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Thread Unable to go to Buisiness Dashboards
Unable to go to Buisiness DashboardsHello Installed JBPM 6.4 Final from Index of /jbpm/release/6.4.0.Final. Mainly for the purpose of learning as I am following the Mastering JBPM 6 Book. The problem is when I try to go to Business Dashboard I ge...
Unable to add users. Mastering JBPM 6Hello I am following the book Mastering JBPM 6 to learn all about JBPM. So I am using JBPM 6.4 final while the book is suing JBPM 6.2. I am on page 108, in which it tell me to add new actors by adding nino...
Thread WARN XXX failed and will not be available for authoring.
WARN XXX failed and will not be available for authoring.Hello, I am trying to create a new service task which will send text messages to a phone. To do this I created maven project which would send text message and I import it to Jboss BPM suit as a jar file The maven pro...
Creating a timer subprocessHello, I am trying to create a timer sub process. I am new to Jbpm thus I will explain what I am trying to accomplish and see if there is a way to do that in Jboss bpm suit. I edited this message because the e...
Thread how to retrieve modified process variable in jbpm workbench
how to retrieve modified process variable in jbpm workbenchI'm trying to invoke a jbpm process with a custom object process variable via remote client against kie server. The process does some updates on the process variable which I need to retrieve back. What's the best wa...
Error Occurs When Trying to Send Email.Hello, I am trying to create a business process which sends an email at the end of it. The problem arises once is run the instant. The error message says: Unexpected error encountered: org.drools.core.WorkItemHandle...
Thread jbpm gateway loop problem (StackOverflowError)
jbpm gateway loop problem (StackOverflowError)jbpm gateway loop problem I'm currently testing a jbpm 6.5 I tried to implement iteration through the gateway. Attach an error occurred when it was tested as a source. I would like to know whether a gate way is ...
Human Task Output variableHello, I am new to Jboss Suit bpm. I am trying to create a business processes, which it's whole purpose is to have a user input a price of an item and then display this set price on the console. The way I am tryin...
jbpm gateway loop problemjava.lang.StackOverflowError at org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.NodeInstanceImpl.<init>(NodeInstanceImpl.java:60) at org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node.ActionNodeInstance.<init>(ActionNodeInstance.java:31...
Drools LoggingOur drl files contain a method that logs messages using the slf4j framework. Moreover in the drl file we use the following piece of code: function void log(String message){ Logger logger = ...
BPM Suite and EAP 7.0Is it possible to deploy JBoss BPM Suite 6.3 to a JBoss EAP 7.0 app server? When will BPM Suite be officially supported under EAP 7.0?
Thread Unable to set input variables to service task
Unable to set input variables to service taskHi , How to use the process variable in service task,I created simple java and a a method. (I set the service interface:com.sample.Demo and operation as the addMethod). variable definition : x as the i...
Thread Question about jBPM to connect to DB2 on z/os
Question about jBPM to connect to DB2 on z/osHi, My current DB2 database is on IBM z/os, We're exploring whether jBPM can connect to this database. Any inputs or lesson learned will be appreciated. Thanks Jie
Thread Unable to fetch process instance diagram on KIE server
Unable to fetch process instance diagram on KIE serverI need to display the process instance image diagram in a custom UI. I am trying to fetch process instance image using the KIE server api as mentioned in the article below, Accelerate your business: jBPM UI extensi...
Error opening rules/ flowI am getting error opening existing rules / business flow in workbench. Any rule. Rules previous have no issue. I am using Google Chrome for workbench. The above error shows up in a pop up. And other people in t...
Model import in guided rulesHello everyone, Following the workshop 4 I really stuck on the step where model is imported (in guided rules). In "Add Import" pop-up there is only one option "java.lang.Number" available. I can not see the mo...