• Integrating management console with multiple securityRealm

    Can anyone help me to configure multiple security realm in such a way that JBOSS management  console can allow authentication from multiple realm at the sametime.   In current scenario lets suppose I have ...
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    last modified by sidde3
  • JBoss 6.3 WebService stops responding requests

    I have a Java EJB Web Service running on JBoss EAP 6.3.0, I invoke the Web Service from .Net Application, the Web Services responds after a few requests, then the JBoss Log throws an exception and the Client Applicati...
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    last modified by josed.perez
  • NoSuchmethod error EAP 6.4.0 - RestEasy Skeleton Key

    Hi, I get the following error when running my application on EAP 6.4.0 unpdated with RestEasy 3.0.0Final in order to use the RestEasy Skeleton key library for REST api Token provisioning/authentication.  Can any...
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    last modified by imef2k-1
  • WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [EntityManagerFactory] with qualifiers [@Default] at injection point

    Hi,     Our application contains Spring+Hibernate+JBPM.  While starting it on Jboss 6.1.0, I'm getting the below error. Attached error log contains complete stack trace. Could you please suggest w...
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    created by esakki.sundar
  • Jboss-ejb3.xml cannot setup

    Hi community, I am kind a new using Jboss/wildfly   I am trying to invoke a remote stateless ejb from another ejb developed in another JBOSS instance.   I can make the lookup if I try to do something li...
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    created by loporto
  • JBWEB000065: HTTP Status 404 public ip address

    Using my hostname, I can access my web application just fine.  When I try to access my web app via public ip address, the browser returns an error with sensitive jboss information. I want the user to see the app ...
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    last modified by humanbeing
  • JBWEB000289: Servlet dispatcher threw load() exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException

    Hi,      I'm trying to deploy my application to Jboss EAP6.1. My application has Spring, Hibernate. When I try to deploy the war, I'm getting the attached error. I'm able to successfully deploy th...
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    last modified by esakki.sundar
  • Disabling mod_cluster on a JBoss EAP 6.3.3 in domain mode?

    I'm running a JBOSS in domain mode and used a full-ha profile, need to disable the mod_cluster this profile, what the procedure to be done, it is filling the log with errors below:   [Server:xxxxxxx] 16:21:13,08...
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    last modified by juliobarreto
  • Different .NET Namespace Reference generated by the JBoss Web Service

    Technical Background: Blaze Advisor Version: 7.3 Target Platform: Java EJB Web Service Client Type: Java Target Language: Java Server Type: Stateless Vendor: JBoss EAP 6.3.0 Java Version: JDK 1.7.0 Update 80 E...
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    last modified by josed.perez
  • SPNEGO and EAP 6.4

    I am trying to set up SPNEGO on EAP 6.4 and am seeing something in my logs that I think is weird.  Why is my principal look like it is encrypted?   08:56:33,167 TRACE [org.jboss.security.negotiation.common....
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    last modified by tmcginnis
  • How to change the wsdl import in a JBoss 6.3 deployment?

    I have a Web Service running on JBoss 6.3.0, as ypu can see i made a deployment, and that's my URL, but i'm having a problem, because all of the references on the web service are pointing to localhost instead of my se...
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    last modified by josed.perez
  • Jboss EAP 6.4 Mysql XA-Datasource Problem

    Hi, We have upgradede from eap-6.3 to eap-6.4 and our working datasource configuration is not working anymore.   The error we are receiving is : Unexpected HTTP response: 500   Request {   "a...
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    last modified by olgun.kaya
  • JVM Heap size settings

    Hi All,   If i want to define JVM settings where environment is having 3 server groups each server group consists of 3 servers  what is the best method to define JVM heap size.   And iam using standal...
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    last modified by kalyanmiddleware
  • Enable/Disable Management Console

    Hi All,   Can any one help me in Enabling and disabling management console Iam unable to understand from where i have to do the below:- For example, to enable: /core-service=management/management-interface=ht...
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    last modified by kalyanmiddleware
  • how to enable auto deployment

    Hi All,   What should i modify in the below info:- </subsystem>         <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:deployment-scanner:1.1">      ...
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    last modified by kalyanmiddleware
  • Class Not Found Exception for com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    I'm using Wildfly 10 and my datasource in the standalone.xml is:               <datasources>          &#...
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    last modified by jseanjensen
  • Profiles in jboss eap 7

    Hi All,   Can any one help me in understanding the purpose of the profiles:- standalone standalone-full standalone-full-ha standalone-ha As per my understanding Full-ha & ha will be useful if we want to...
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    last modified by kalyanmiddleware
  • JSP files over JBOSS

    Hello   I have a 'trivial' jsp page:   <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>A simple date example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY C...
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    last modified by brogers
  • Variable expansion in jndi-name definition?

    We would like to use a variable in our jndi-name definition in standalone.xml. It doesn't appear to be working though.  Many google searches have proved fruitless. Is there some escaping, or other method necessar...
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    last modified by skeens_kristi
  • Jboss EAP 6.4 - starting servers on domain node automatically starting servers on slave node as well

    I have configured Jboss EAP cluster with two nodes on different physical server, one is master node with domain controller and other is slave node. When I start the servers on the domain node using command:   d...
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    last modified by gsandeepry