• Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

    I am not able to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip at any of JBoss sites. It is required for installation of JBoss BPM Suite. Any pointers on it will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.     Further want ...
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    last modified by manu_upadhyay
  • JBoss Negotation SPNEGO / Kerberos

    Hey guys,   we have a problem with kerberos / active directory and jboss. We try to find a solution last week but we dont know. Our try is to build a SSO with our web application against the ad. I found many ex...
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    last modified by jkueck92
  • Jars inside war are trying to get deployed.

    How to prevent Jars inside war getting deployed ?     I am using JBoss 6.3.0 Server and STS as IDE. Please find my folder structure below. The Common jar is inside the Lib folder.     It wil...
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    last modified by rajahbtechcse
  • How to distribute custom user/roles.properties using CLI?

    Hi I use custom security-domain with UsersRoles login-module and ws-users.properties and ws-roles.properties files. How correctly deploy these files using CLI to standalone.xml or domain configuration?
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    last modified by krokodylowy
  • HornetQ live and backup on the same server.

    I am trying to setup a 2 live/backup configuration.       So on VM1, I have 1 JBoss that is supposed to run a HornetQ Live server and a Backup server serving a Live server on another JBoss(another VM...
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    last modified by ijunaidsubhani
  • Migrate from Jetty to JBoss EAP 6.4

    Hi everyone, At my company we use jetty, all configuration is in files pom.xml and jetty.xml(datasource), Now we want to migrate from jetty to jboss eap 6.4. Is it possible?  When a new employee joins our team,...
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    last modified by kkamil7
  • WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [EntityManagerFactory] with qualifiers [@Default] at injection point

    Hi,     Our application contains Spring+Hibernate+JBPM.  While starting it on Jboss 6.1.0, I'm getting the below error. Attached error log contains complete stack trace. Could you please suggest w...
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    created by esakki.sundar
  • JBAS011446: Failed to add persistence unit service for applicataionPersistenceUnit

    Hi,      When I try to start my application, I get below error. I don't have any persistence.xml in my application. I'm not sure from where Jboss is reading persistence.xml . Could you please help...
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    last modified by esakki.sundar
  • JBWEB000289: Servlet dispatcher threw load() exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException

    Hi,      I'm trying to deploy my application to Jboss EAP6.1. My application has Spring, Hibernate. When I try to deploy the war, I'm getting the attached error. I'm able to successfully deploy th...
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    last modified by esakki.sundar
  • Could not deploy web application with jbpm to Jboss EAP 6.1.0

    Hi,     I'm trying to deploy a web application which has JBPM built in. This war file when deployed to Tomcat works fine. However when I try to deploy to Jboss EAP 6.1.0, I get below error. I am attach...
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    last modified by esakki.sundar
  • JBoss EAP 6.4 Alpha does not listed any more in Download Section

    I need a community version of JBoss EAP 6.4. As I read, Alpha binary is made available for free (both for development and production use) to the entire community. I checked following page at 2 weeks ago. And I see , ...
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    last modified by deryaaltuntas
  • External JNDI Lookup Exception in EAP 6.4

    See following details: The code snippet below results in exception "Failed to define class com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapURL in Module "org.jboss.genericjms.provider"   I checked and found this sun-jndi-ldap.jar within...
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    last modified by tp4746
  • Getting Started with JBoss EAP 6.4 and Hibernate Search - not working ?

    I've followed the getting started guide for Hibernate Search,   added the following properties to my persistence.xml            <property name="hibernate.search....
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    last modified by seniorteaboy
  • How to Start and Stop jboss-eap-6.3 using batch script ?

    Hi Guys,   I am new to jboss-eap-6.3 and finding it difficult to stop the jboss-eap-6.3 server using batch script. Please help   Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by akeeb-yaragatti-34021142
  • Can't start jboss EAP 6.3 as a service, failed to startup in the time allotted error

    Hello,   I have configured jboss EAP 6.3 as a service but can't start jboss. Getting the below error.   The below is run from /etc/init.d directory ./jboss-as-standalone.sh start jboss-as failed to start...
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    last modified by ashis12ka4
  • Blank Page when Running a WebApp

    I migrated one of my apps from Websphere to JBOSS EAP 6.4.2. It runs perfectly fine when I run it on local Windows machine but when i deploy the same EAR on unix box with domains, it gets deployed. when i try access t...
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    last modified by jetain.singla
  • Swagger integration with CXF Jax-rs services for EAP 6.4.5

    Hi, I have developed jax-rs services using Out of the Box cxf jars (2.7.17 ported with EAP 6.4.5 installation). Now I am trying to generate documentation of my services. I am trying for swagger integration. However I...
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    last modified by kotak25krishna
  • SaltStack-based JBoss Cluster Mgmt via Pillar-driven Orchestration of Standalone Servers

    GITHUB REPO  GitHub - kucerarichard/SaltedJBoss: SaltStack-based JBoss Cluster Mgmt via Pillar-driven Orchestration of Standalone Ser…   GOAL  The goal of SaltedJBoss is to create an ergonomica...
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    last modified by kucerarichard
  • JBPM6.1 login issues

    Hi All,   Infra: jboss-bpmsuite-6.1.0.GA-installer, Jboss EAP 6.4, jdk1.7.   I'm newbie in JBPM world, want to explore the functionality and its benefits to my organization. Everything went smooth. Applic...
  • Issue in starting MDB application

    I am migrating my websphere project into JBOSS one. I had a 2.1 EJB module which i converted to 3.0. Also i configured everything as per the below link.   http://middlewaremagic.com/jboss/?p=1706   When i ...
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    last modified by jetain.singla