• HTTP Status 407

    I am getting below error when I accessing the application( from IIS server to Jboss eap server 6.4.0) ,The request is going to jboss server from IIS so there is no issue with IIS. I think some configuration is missin...
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    last modified by ramana.orugunta
  • how to create jdbc user to connect to teiid instance?

    Hi, Im new into the jboss and teiid tools for data virtualization, I followed the part one and two of Introduction to Data Virtualization by Blaine Mincey  everything looks good, I can access  the Red Hat J...
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    created by caribbean77
  • EJB fails to lookup JDBC DataSource res-ref from code

    I have an auto-start EJB tested with jBoss EAP 6.[3,4] and it fails to lookup JDBC resource ref defined in deployment descriptor with exception;   Caused by: javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.RuntimeException: ...
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    last modified by sjunejo
  • Jboss EAP Hardware requirements

    Hi,   My team is planning to start a project based on Jboss technologies including Jboss EAP, Drools rule engine, Jboss Dashboard.   Application will perform real time analytics, so we expect high load (m...
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    last modified by cheerrzup7
  • Start Jboss EAP in domain controled mode in background

    Hi,   I want to start the jboss eap 6.4 in domain managed mode. Currently i am starting this using the script $HOME/bin/domain.bat, but i want to start this process in background so that no one is able to stop ...
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    last modified by mayuran19
  • Need installation steps for JBoss eap 6.1.0 GA

    Hello,   I have downloaded JBoss eap 6.1.0 GA and JBoss Native 2-0-10 for 64bit. Please let me know the procedure for installation.   Thanks in advance
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    last modified by nagalakshmi.jupalli
  • JBoss EAP 6.3.1 Hibernate Oracle xml type - ojdbc version issue

    I am using user defined hibernate UserType for oracle  XMLTYPE. Here is the code for nullSafeGet in usertype @Override public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, SessionImplementor session, Object ...
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    last modified by sandeepkumar08
  • JBoss EAP 6.4 Session ID

    I am using JBoss EAP 6.4. I have few questions w.r.t how JBoss create/manage/tracks session ID. Please find below my questions?   1. Does JBoss generates unique Session ID for each session? 2. Does JBoss recogn...
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    created by mayurl
  • Where can I add these variables on JBoss web console like validationQuery, etc?

    I have used MySQL, Spring, MyBatis. Like you know, when there is no database connection for 8 hours (default time), the database close the connection. And when I tried to run an application, it gives an error messag...
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    last modified by brightpeoples
  • Connection string for Sql to connect using windows autentication

    Hi team, I want a connection url to connect to sql db using the windows service account that is to connect using windows authentication through AD.Please help in the same . Currently we are able to connect using sql...
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    created by devashish008
  • Switchyard bpel-console - SayHelloWorld exception java.lang.Exception: Rollback failed

    Hi Team,   I have installed bpel-console with Switchyard and deployed the sayHelloWorld BPEL process. Below are my environment details   OS: Linux 64 bit EAP version: 6.4.0 Switchyard installation: switc...
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    last modified by murali1311
  • Jboss EAP 6.4 Alpha JBAS018733: Failed to proceed with phase POST_MODULE from deployment "teste.war"

    I migrated the EPA Jboss 6.3 Beta for JBoss EAP 6.4 Alpha, I think it has no major changes, but when my road project is excultando the following error:   11:55:00,536 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC serv...
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    last modified by leandromaximo
  • JBoss EAP 6.4 Architecture Questions

    First off, I am a Systems Engineer, not a Middle-ware Engineer, so please excuse my complete ignorance of JBoss.   We have a goal to deploy several applications per-customer, several customers per-server, and se...
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    last modified by cwilson1111111111111
  • Want to install Apache web(HTTP) server in front of JBOSS EAP 6.4 in Ubuntu.

    I want to install Apache web(HTTP) server in front of JBOSS EAP 6.4 in Ubuntu. I have successfully installed JBOSS, but unable to understand how to install Apache web(HTTP) server and make communication between Apache...
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    last modified by arunbalgi
  • Need Help: Jboss EAP 6.4 AD Authentication for the management console and other things....

    Hi All,   I am having an awful time wrapping my head around how to configure Jboss EAP 6.4 to authenticate to AD for access to the management console. I've found the examples and etc in the forums and in the doc...
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    last modified by fgallagher
  • JBoss EAP 6.4.0.GA - Cluster - Session not replicating

    Good morning and thanks in advance for any help or directions to narrow my problem!   The problem is: I have just created a cluster with 3 physical servers, their IPs are: (master) - Master a...
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    last modified by tanaka.willian
  • Jboss start error

    Hi All,   I have migrated my application server to new location. i host JBoss as windows service in my environment.   I don't know where i have gone wrong, getting below exception. However, application ge...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • why I can't download the jboss EAP6.4 today?

    my company want to use the newest jboss EAP in our new project,but today I download the jboss EAP 6.4 release in https://www.jboss.org/products/eap/get-started/?tcUser=jiang+wu&tcWhenSigned=June+9%2C+2015&tcWh...
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    last modified by wujiang
  • How to give refernce of external files in a web application in JBoss?

    Hi there   I am developing a web application using Jboss and there are a lot of Images that I have saved in a external Web Server.   I want to configure that external resources with some pseudo folder in m...
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    created by rogersands
  • Errors when starting up Jboss (standalone.sh)

    These are the errors that are returned when I run the script.   21:25:02,172 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/]] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 80) JBWEB000287: Exceptio...
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    created by hawleyaj