• How to correctly manage feature configuration deployment?

    I am trying to evaluate JBoss Fuse as an integration platform, and I have the following question regarding deployment.   I am trying to set up a fabric and use profiles, more specifically feature repositories fo...
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    last modified by nvoskresenskiy
  • IBM MQ 8 and Fuse ESB 6.2.1 integration

    Hello,   I am trying to integrate IBM MQ 8 with JBoss Fuse 6.2.1. I ahve osgi:install all OSGi bundles from IBM MQ package into the JBoss Fuse. While the route starts it gives a message that javax.jms.JMSRuntim...
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    last modified by sonyjop
  • Using JBDS to generate a REST front end that drives a remote SOAP

    For a final implementation in Fabric8, I need to create a local REST front end that drives a remote SOAP endpoint for example I am using http://www.webservicex.net/airport.asmx?wsdl with the operation getAirportInfo...
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    last modified by hpuri
  • MySQL pax logging

    I have tried setting up MySQL as a pax logging appender but keep getting driver not found. I have tried to add a fragment and put this ahead of the pax service in the startup properties but to no avail. Please can som...
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    last modified by acle
  • How to do connection pooling on CXF endpoint

       I'm using camel 2.15.3 and cxf 3.0.6   I have an cxf endpoint as below in my camel context .. (TEST_ENDPOINT is an actual endpoint) <to uri="cxf://{{TEST_ENDPOINT}}?dataFormat=payload&amp;lo...
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    created by niteshjain132
  • Encrypt datasource password

    Hi,   I'm working with JDBC datasources in Fuse 6.2.1. The datasource works fine with plain text password, but I cant figure out how to encrypt the password property.   This is my datasource filename: F...
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    last modified by gfuhr2016
  • ibm integration bus vs jboss fuse

    i came across this article comparing IBM MQ and A-mq.   is there a similar document comparing jboss fuse and ibm integration bus. please share if you know of one. thanks.
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    last modified by madhan_dc
  • fuse source vs jboss fuse

    i was looking at the documentation site     https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/   i see a section called Fuse source with FUSE ESB, FUSE Message Broker etc., then there is JBOSS FUSE, JBOSS FU...
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    last modified by madhan_dc
  • new to JBOSS from IBM integration bus

    need help with getting set up for the first time. I want to try out FUSE as an esb and try creating a flow like I would on IBM IIB by dragging and dropping nodes.   went to red hat site and downloaded devstudio ...
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    last modified by madhan_dc
  • JBOSS Fuse data transformation tool message body with ArrayList (CustomObjects) to XML

    With JBOSS Fuse 6.2 data transformation tool I am trying to iterate a message body with ArrayList (CustomObjects) map to XML elements Inbuilt Dozer Data transformation is not allowing to map Source Arraylist to Targe...
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    last modified by santy2016
  • Fuse fabric container - Provision status ERROR !!

    Container version - JBoss Fuse (6.2.1.redhat-084) Below is the actual error which I get in Mgmt Console - error - org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root: missing requirement [root] osg...
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    last modified by santy2016
  • Heapdump file in jboss-fuse_6.2.1\data\tmp

    Hi All,   I've the following problem. At work I have a virtual machine with VirtualBox, in this virtual machine I've Linux Mint v17.2 Rafaela. In my virtual machine I have mount a disk with jboss fuse version ...
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    last modified by claudioturetta
  • In Fuse, i need to observe/perform operation on expose webservice's wsdl url by java code. Through Mbean how i can do that or other solution is available ?

    i am using jolokia client to see all webservice. How i can use jolokia to perform operation and see all the webservice and download wsdl.
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    last modified by satish.kesharwani
  • redhat summit presentations

    i attended the redhat summit out west and saw two awesome presentations on the roadmap and future of the Fuse integration platform, I can't seem to find the slides or presentations anywhere online.  The presentat...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • Change EAP in memory database to Oracle database

    Hello, I'm new to EAP and i want to change EAP default database (In memory) to Oracle or any other database.
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    last modified by mostafa_elzaher_hpe
  • Using External Database instead of embedded one

    Hello, I'm new to fuse and i am using fuse 6.2.1 on EAP 6.4.0 and i want to change Fuse configuration to use oracle database instead of embedded database. Is there any documentation? i have searched but no clear ans...
  • JBoss Fuse Camel-CXF Producer endpoint with HTTP 202

    I am trying to access a WebService operation with 'void' response using camel-cxf endpoint in POJO mode. Appears like it results assuming the call as http 202 for every case including negative scenario, like basic aut...
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    last modified by sonyjop
  • Error in war deployment into Fuse 6.1.0 which is a combination of cxf-ws&rs with camel routing

    Hi All,   I am making the war bundle which is a combination of cxf-ws & rs with camel routing.   I can deploy the bundle into Tomcat 7 without any error, But I got below exception when tried to deploy ...
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    last modified by thomas1982
  • Making a WebService available via https

    Hi everybody,   I've got a webservice which by the .wsdl should be available via https.   I can make the service available via http but I haven't figured out how to do in via https. When I read the doc rig...
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    last modified by inspector
  • Expose Webservice via https

    #############################    camel-route.xml      #####################################   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.spr...
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    last modified by beenalud