• Problem by building the project "skeleton-plugin"

    Hi,   I am reading Heiko Rupps book "How to write a plugin for Jboss ON etc." According to the link in his article I've downloaded the source code "skeleton-plugin-1.0.0.GA.zip" form Plugins - Skeleton Plugin - ...
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    last modified by thomas2004
  • Database Requirements For RHQ 4.10

    I am a little confused as to the backend for RHQ. The release note mentions switching to Cassandra and no longer using a RDB. However, the install docs and the rhq-server.properties still discusses / reference RDB. Wh...
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    last modified by mjrother
  • RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin

    Hi,   in another discussion (see here), it was stated: "RHQ does not have a JConsole-type JMX mbean browser."   Is this still true for RHQ 4.9? What do you recommend to make the usage of JMX mbeans of appl...
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    last modified by dreschler
  • 4.10 - Now SSL to AS7 by default, why was this decided?

    Hey, just had a go at importing a couple AS7 servers into RHQ 4.10.   Apparently the AS7 plugin now discovers and sets the port for the server to the secure port 9443 (+offset) instead of regular http 9990. Thi...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • is difference between RHQ and JbossON similar to between Jboss 7.1.1.Final and EAP 6.1.0 Alpha ?

    FAQ - RHQ - Project Documentation Editor      JON (aka "JBoss Operations Network" or "JBoss ON") is a commercial product offered to Red Hat customers and is thus fully quality-tested and certified...
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    last modified by jjakub
  • default coregui user/password, where can I set/change it ?

    Hi   I just installed latest rhq, I go into http://localhost:7080/coregui/ and try to login with admin and with  rhqadmin and password used for database, but it doesn't work. Where is user / password for...
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    last modified by jjakub
  • Dynagroups, Resources for Authorization, Targets for Deployment

    Hello,   I'm trying to figure out how to organize dynagroups and roles so that:   DynaGroup Definitions auto create resource "group" for each Developement JBoss instance, AND any users with new "Developers...
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    last modified by ehle
  • Metrics purge for traits can cause database locking?

    What I observe is trait purging can cause locks on the RHQ_MEASUREMENT_DATA_TRAIT table.   22:13:17,477 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.scheduler.jobs.DataPurgeJob] (RHQScheduler_Worker-5) Trait data purge...
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    created by genman
  • Is there any metric in mysql plugin to monitor database growth ?

    Hi Developers,       We are using MySQL as a database server. Our transaction rate is million records per hour.       We would like to analyse the database growth with RHQ. ...
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    last modified by arun2arunraj
  • Length of value in MeasurementDataTrait

    Hi, I have a question to Developers. I want pass to  MeasurementDataTrait some String, longer than 255. But in org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataTrait class, length of "value" is equal only 255. &#...
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    last modified by lzmuda1
  • RHQ Training

    Does anyone know of training for the RHQ product? I am looking for class room type training, but any good resources would be great.   Thanks,   Bill
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    last modified by bill.rosenberg
  • [PLUGIN] Tomcat 7+

    Hi guys,   I tried your IRC but I didn't get so much answer on it.. :-(   Therefore, I'm coming here to propose some suggestions... I'm using RHQ 4.9 for Lab purposes because I'm interested to monitor a pa...
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    last modified by wark
  • Log the agent name (or IP) in the log file?

    I sometimes see this error, or others:   01:27:36,583 ERROR [org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.engine.internal.AlertConditionCacheCoordinator] (EJB default - 5) Could not find agent for scheduleId = 7977263 01:27:...
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    created by genman
  • RHQ metrics

    Hello guys, I'm running an AS 7.2 in standalone mode.         I discover the AS server into RHQ with no problems, but few metrics are available. Example: Datasources metrics, i have only 4: Max...
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    last modified by spolti
  • Anyone able to monitor Infinispan in Tomcat with RHQ?

    Before dumping in a bunch of logs I thought I'd try to confirm if this is a problem.   My agent is reporting from the remote system but I don't see any Infinispan references.   The only similar reference I...
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    last modified by jfrost
  • Ridiculous time taken to compute OOBs (on Oracle); RHQ 4.9

    17:49:03,425 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.measurement.MeasurementOOBManagerBean] (RHQScheduler_Worker-4) Finished calculating 32 OOBs in 3086252 ms 17:49:03,425 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.scheduler...
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    last modified by genman
  • Clarification on 32/64 bit?

    "Support for 64-bit is limited to Linux on x86_64; RHQ is supported on other 64-bit platforms only when the OS is in 32-bit compatibility mode."   Can this be explained please? I've been trying for nearly two mo...
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    last modified by brandondash
  • RHQ not seeing ejb pools

    We have an application deployed to a jvm that RHQ is monitoring but no metrics are showing up for the ejbs. I have restarted the agent with the discover -f command but still no metric show up.   I thought there...
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    created by mschwery
  • ISSUE face in JBOSS ON Network Operation

    Hi All,   I have installed the jboss on monitoring tool. But i am not able to monitor the Cpu and other services. Please let me know if u have any idea about it.
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    last modified by vijay62020
  • Alert template for Trait Change from older RHQ fails to appear on newer RHQ resources

    This is a discussion of Bug 1058534, where I think I found the cause of the issue but maybe not. (I found a null pointer exception relating to alert caching but not sure it's related.)   I was observing the fol...
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    created by genman