• Condition longer then 250 characters?

    Hi!   Is there any possibility to send alert where condition field is longer then 250 characters?   Thanks for advice. Lukasz
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  • 4.13: UnsupportedOperationException on mergeInventoryReport() in log continuously

    Hi, after upgrading to 4.13 an UnsupportedOperationException gets thrown in the log on a regular basis. Seems to be thrown every 10 minutes and relating to agent inventory reports.   I can easily make a BZ, jus...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • Can latest rhq agent monitor vintage jboss?

    Hello,   Can we monitor vintage jboss running on JDK 1.5:         2 10:14:53,262 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Trinity] 4.2.3.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_3_GA date=2008071...
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    last modified by kucerarichard
  • Any way to get the old availability icons back?

    They just look a lot better than the new 'minimalist' icons, to get a quick overview of what's down or not. They just need to be a bit easier to see.     This is after upgrading 4.5.1 to 4.13 and the old ...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • Connection to Agents get lost and cannot recover

    Hi,   we observed the following problem at some of our linux machines:   The RHQ server sometimes loses the connection to agents on other machines, which can be seen as the last availabilty ping is quite o...
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    last modified by dreschler
  • Upgrading 4.5.1 to 4.13: Native Management Port/Host?

    Hello,   I notice when upgrading our 4.5.1 RHQ Server to 4.13, there are two new setting under Connection Settings for Jboss AS7: Native management API host Native management API port   I also notice tha...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • 4.13: NPE on RHQ Agent Setup.prompt

    Hello, another day, another NullPointer   When starting rhq-agent.sh on a 'clean' server, after doing java -jar rhq-agent.jar --install, the setup fails with a Nullpointer:   Answer the following question...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • 4.13 - NPE on plugins.jbossas7.BaseProcessDiscovery.supportsPatching()

    Hello   I upgraded to 4.13 from 4.12 today and the following exception is thrown when the Agent is discovering resources.   The result is that all AS7 servers are marked as down.   Under Connection ...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • brand new to RHQ - can't do the install step

    Hi,  I get stuck immediately trying to bring up RHQ.  Any help to get a newbie passed this first shot roadblock?  What is this remote:// Can't connect error?  What is it expecting?...
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    last modified by cotton.ben
  • Thoughts on RHQ-Alerts aka Alerts 2.0 aka Wintermute

    We have been thinking for a long time how to bring the Alerting from RHQ to a new level to other projects   For those who are less familiar with RHQ, I'll quickly describe the alerting possibilities: RHQ allow...
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    last modified by pilhuhn
  • Would you download RHQ plugins from a plugin store?

    Supposed we would offer a plugin store where users can upload RHQ plugins and it is possible from inside RHQ to browse the store and directly download plugins into RHQ - would you use that functionality? Or would you ...
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  • Trying to monitor as7 but rhq 4.12 detects less MBeans than jconsole

    Hi,     I have tried to setup a monitor system for as7 domain. Crucial to me are ejb3, jts, jpa, ispn and jgrp. I have enabled more or less all statistics that are available through various as7 settings (if...
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    last modified by kristjan273
  • Thoughts on RHQ.next (server) architecture

    Yesterday I blogged about RHQ-Alerts aka Alerts 2.0 (and who got the Wintermute in the subject?), we have RHQ-Metrics and Mazz wrote about RHQ-Audit and messaging. So let me show you a bigger picture that I have in mi...
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    last modified by pilhuhn
  • RHQ with IBM HTTP Server

    Hi Guys,   I'm trying to monitor IBM HTTP Server with RHQ (+apache plugin). However I'm getting the following issue with the httpd not able to be discovered.   WARN  [ResourceDiscoveryComponent.invoke...
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    last modified by reego
  • Creating a "Monitor" role for all resources?

    Hi, I need some help creating a role for developers and others to have read-only permission in RHQ for all resources.   I first created a Monitor Role and giving just Read on Inventory and so on, but apparently...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • Placing RHQ/JON behind load balancer (BigIP) and SSL

    Hi, I brought this up with Thomas on the IRC earlier.   We are trying to place RHQ (and JON) behind BigIP, since we often have developers asking for access, and just for convenience. At the moment we only have ...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • Graphs,  lots of "no data" columns...

    Running JON 3.2.0 with several agents deployed.   It looks like bad data sometimes actually,  just repeated bars of the same height after one or more columns of missing data.   See attached.  ...
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    last modified by kucerarichard
  • Thoughts on Inventory for RHQ.next

    [ We already had some discussions in the last few days, but also in the past - have a look at the "Relationship service", "Dependent Resources" and also "Design agentless management" in the RHQ wiki. ]     ...
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    created by pilhuhn
  • Define alert conditions for JBoss AS

    Hi,   after successful installation and configuration of RHQ/JON I started to prepare it for real production usage - meaning define alerts. So have some basic alerts that I define via alert templates so they wil...
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    last modified by swiderski.maciej
  • How to define default availability check interval in plugin

    Hi,   how can I define the availability check interval in an agent plugin, so that it is set during installation and does not need to be changed using the GUI?   On the RHQ Homepage under Design - Availabi...
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    last modified by dreschler