• RichFaces Team Meeting re-scheduled

    We re-scheduled today's team meeting (2013-08-14) for tomorrow (2013-08-15) due to some schedule conflicts.
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    created by bleathem
  • Richfaces chart component

    Hello all,     I’ve been working on a JSF chart plotting component. There is a blog which introduces the component https://blog-lukasmacko.rhcloud.com/2013/04/22/the-jsf-chart-plotting-component/. ...
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    last modified by lukindo
  • Testing DOM (HTML markup) generated by Widgets

    When covering the widget code by tests, we need to test a generated DOM, that it has intended structure.   I was curious how others do that and for example jQuery UI does care just about checking that there are ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Opened a branch for Components 4.5.x (space for contributions to 4.x)

    I have opened a branch 4.5.x: https://github.com/richfaces4/components/tree/4.5.x   This branch is compiled against Build/Core version 4.3.3, but it generates 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT.   Why?   Two reasons: ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Moving page fragments from richfaces-qa repository

    Hi,   as we agreed some time ago, we'd like to move all existing page fragments for RichFaces components from the QA repository [1] to the framework repository so that they are released together with framework. ...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • web calendar

    Hi all I might start doing a richfaces component similar to google calendar, as in my work we need something similar and also for learning. Does anyone did something like that? tips are welcome thanks in advance
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    last modified by alfrice
  • GitHub releases

    See: https://github.com/blog/1547-release-your-software   Something useful for RichFaces releases (>= 5)?  RichFaces Widgets releases?   Brian
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2 Sprint planning

    In reviewing the RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2 backlog: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=331&view=planning&quickFilter=1081   Are RF-12909 and RF-12894 still relevant?
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Push Components' Reference Data out of RF5 Docs

    Hey guys,   I have noticed each of the components in Component Reference contains referecen data:     3.5.2. Reference data   component-type: org.richfaces.CommandLink component-class: org.rich...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • RF5 docs? Do we really need Maven?

    Do we really need to stay with Maven build since we migrated to Asciidoc?   Question: how someone should contribute (even though we have great Asciidoc) when it's incredibly hard to find the Asciidoc source for ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • PickList and OrderingList added to RichFaces Widgets

    I ported the orderingList and pickList from the bootstrap sandbox project to the richfaces-widgets standalone JavaScript project.  The port was non-trivial, as it required a Bootstrap v3 update.   What a gr...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha1 has been staged

    The RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha1 was staged to repository [1] and is available for QE.   [1] https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/staging/
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Single Jira versions for micro releases - good or bad?

    For the past couple of RichFaces micro releases (4.3.2, and 4.3.1) I've used a single version in jira for both the CR and Final releases.  How has this worked for people?  From a version history perspective,...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces with Mojarra 2.2

    Hi,   last week I tested RichFaces 4.3.0.Final with JSF 2.2. Since I couldn't find MyFaces 2.2, I tested only Mojarra 2.2.0-m08. There is a bug in Mojarra 2.2.0-m08 (and m09) [1] that prevents deployment of appl...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • Is RichFaces 5 BOM Unnecessary?

    As of RichFaces 5, Maven users will need to provide just org.richfaces:richfaces:jar dependency in their POM.   This dependency will bring other (mandatory) dependencies transitively: guava, cssparser, sac. ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • RichFaces 4.3.2.Final release train has begun

    The release jira: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RFPL-2891   The release rapid board: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=221   The release process for 4.3.2.Final has begun. Furth...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces 5 distribution zip

    Hi,   I have several questions about RF5 distribution zip.   Distribution release 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT is being deployed to the Maven repository because our main Jenkins job uses profile "release" (we need to d...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • Showcase on Openshift keeps failing

    Hello all,   The Openshift showcase is repeatedly failing.  We have a monitor set up (uptimerobot.com) which notifies us when it fails, but it's failing frequently.  Here is the outage report for the ...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Moving the component sources to own Java packages

    I have refactored all component related sources to respective packages.   Right now we have separated those under single package org.richfaces.ui where each logical group has its own subpackage:   https://...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Tomorrow's RichFaces Team meeting on IRC (Apr. 30th) 1 hour earlier

    Hello all,   Due to a meeting conflict, we've bumped the RichFaces team meeting one hour earlier.  See the RichFaces calendar for details: http://www.jboss.org/richfaces/community/richfacescalendar   ...
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    created by bleathem