• How to use pair of <rich:datascrollers> outside the any dataTable

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ ← Data Iteration Components FAQ        It is a common pattern to have 2 <rich:datascroller> components for the same table: the f...
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    last modified by artdaw
  • Tools for RichFaces style classes retrieving. Firebug

    Introduction      Highly customizable look-and-feel is one of the main features of  Richfaces. Therefore, information about style classes and skinning parameters should be open to everyone. &#...
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    last modified by artdaw
  • Richfaces Datatable Checkbox

    Richface Datatable with Checkbox Column and an CheckAll Checkbox in Header                  <rich:extendedDataTable value="#{myBean.entries}" v...
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    last modified by holgerain
  • How to organize wizards using the <rich:modalPanel> component?

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ ← Panels and Output      There are lot of use-cases where the popup should have wizard like behavior. In the VCP 2.0.1 library there was th...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces FAQ sandbox

    Feel free to contribute answers for the questions which you think important and frequently asked among forum and jira! We will review this page periodically and move them to general FAQ sections.
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces FAQ

    Wiki FAQ is a place where we gathered all most popular User Forum and Jira questions regarding RichFaces usage. It's updates continuously so it's highly recommended to check it every time before posting the thread at ...
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    last modified by artdaw
  • RichFaces Tree FAQ

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ Tree only shows two level of nodes but actually contains more Originally the issue was found on our richfaces-demo. Then it was reported at User Forum a few times. ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • extended/scrollable dataTable: extra column generated(3.3.x)

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ ← Data Iteration Components FAQ This caused by the fact that both tables supports columns resize. So according to current design this column used to reserve sp...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces Components FAQ

    ← RichFaces FAQ General Questions Ajax Core Components Data Iteration Components FAQ Panels and Output Input and Select Components Trees Miscellaneous Validation Components Menus
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    last modified by artdaw
  • General Questions

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ Can't use c:foreach to create the components dynamically
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • Can't use c:foreach to create the components dynamically

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ ← General questions Actually not related to RichFaces. In most cases it caused by the fact that for facelets environement namespace just isn't the same as for...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • How to make work right click  same as left click on extendeddatatable : adding row selection event  on right click

    There might be a requirement to select a grid row on right mouse click or execute an action on right mouse click on rich:extendeddatatable. The situation like selection of a grid row and opening a context menu on rig...
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    last modified by user1234
  • Ajax4jsfCDK

    NEEDS UPDATINGThe Ajax4jsf Component Developer Kit  We have a full Maven-based Component Development Kit (CDK) for use as part of Ajax4jsf. The CDK includes a code-generation facility and a templating facility u...
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    last modified by sergeysmirnov
  • RichFacesFuture

    This page is deprecated. Please vote for jira RFC's filled. Or create new one if you think some one is missed. We will take into consideration votes added to this page for sure. But all further voting should happens i...
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    last modified by sergeysmirnov
  • Simple Ping Application with <rich:progressBar>

    Problem Create a simple ping application using <rich:progressBar> to show progress of ping. Solution Create a separate thread on the server to ping execution and track the changes in the <rich:progressBar>...
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    last modified by artdaw
  • Creating a Theme for  <rich:page/> Component

    Brief Instructions How to Make a Theme  Before you start creating your theme you should make sure that Maven is aware where it can obtain required dependencies. The easiest way to take care of that is to add a p...
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    last modified by msorokin
  • Minsk 2010 - Modern Java Technologies Workshop

    On February 5th several members of the RichFaces team presented at Minsk,  main building of "Belarussian  High Technologies Park". It was really cool day full of good  discussions and feedback!   ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • <rich:fileUpload> with MyFaces

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ ← Input and select components   Almost all the problems related to non working FU component just caused by wrong application configuration. We declared i...
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    last modified by artdaw
  • StackOverflowException using rich:suggestion box with suggestObjects

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ ← Input and select components   This exception could arise if your objects populated by suggestion action action contains some cycled references. That's ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • Panels and Output

    ← RichFaces FAQ ← RichFaces Components FAQ   How to organize wizards using the <rich:modalPanel> component? Why image generated by mediaOutput/paint2D not updated via ajax?   How to organ...
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    last modified by artdaw