• How i can use  a List in rich:listShuttle ???

    Hello, I use Eclipse, JSF 1.2 and Richfaces 3.3.3. and  tomcat 6 I would like to use rich:listShuttle , but I can't use a List in my ListShuttle. In my gestion-profils.xhtml I have this :   <ric...
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    last modified by lionceau
  • How to not combine ajax request within a queue

    Hi all,   We are using RF 3.3.3 with JSF 2.   We 've got a <jsFunction> that call a java method: <a4j:jsFunction name="updateValue"           ...
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    last modified by viragegroup
  • Javascript error when a4j button is clicked for more than 20 times

    Friends,   Request your help we are using JSF 1.2 with richfaces-impl-3.3.3.Final.   I am using simple a4j command button which is performing some action on click of the button and does some rendering. Whe...
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    created by santosh190281
  • TinyMCE & org.richfaces.LoadScriptStrategy

    Hi all,   I've been trying to improve the loading of my JSF 1.2 & Richfaces 3.3 app.  I've been looking at compressing my CSS & JS so that my page has 1 CSS request & 1 JS request.  So I've...
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    created by leesy
  • <rich:inputNumberSlider> is not working in Internet Explorer Version 9

    Hi All,   rich:inputNumberSlider is not working In My Application when Access through Internet Explorer 9 Browser.   @Note : Even RichFaces Live Demo also not working in the same browser.    ...
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    created by mohandaas
  • Double <head> and <body>-Tag using Richfaces ajax only on JBoss not on WebSphere

    Hallo!   I use JSF 1.2 together with facelets and richfaces3.3.3FINAL for ajax functionality. The App is deployed on JBoss and on WebSphere.   Now I realise, that on every page where a4jsf (richfaces) is ...
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    last modified by giofyxle
  • Issue with calendar and scrollbars

    Good day   I was wondering if anyone can perhaps give me some advice regarding a problem I am having, we have a calendar inside a dataTable. But the problem is that if you select one of the calendars at the bott...
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    created by monical
  • rich:calendar expanding fails in IE8 because of cache

    I have faced strange problem with rich:calendar in IE8. When I click on calendar without clearing browser cache, I receive javascript exception: Message: 'elements' is null or not an object And browser points to foll...
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    last modified by serga_kiev
  • Richfaces 3.3.3 final based application deployment issue on websphere 7.0

    I am getting following error, when click NEXT button in application as shown in screenshot:   SystemOut.log: 2/9/13 1:24:22:544 EST] 0000001f component     E unexpected invocation exception:...
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    created by jayansh
  • Rich Data Scroller not defaulting to first page when column is filtered

    Hi,   I have a rich column inside a rich extended datatable. The column has filterBy attribute and value and when given a value the column is getting filtered correctly. Say if we have 4 pages of results the fil...
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    created by hpatruni
  • conditional reRender and rendered

    First, thanks for your patiences with this.  I only get an opportunity to work with JEE/richfaces a couple times a year.  I am prototyping conditional rendering and would like provide the "District" text fie...
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    created by nor340
  • fileUpload with progress facet not working

    Hi,   I am using RichFaces 3.3.3 and Tomcat 6. I want to use fileUpload without any progress bar but when I click the button to upload a file nothing happens. What am I missing here?   <rich:fileUpload i...
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    created by dragos.oana
  • rich:dataTable  - edit

    I have problem with  <h:commandLink +  <f:setPropertyActionListener in <rich:dataTable :   <rich:dataTable id="i_table"            &#...
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    last modified by alinju
  • <rich:suggestionbox is moving with parent page.

    Hi this is an issue no one in our team cant resolve it. In model panel there is a h:inputText with suggestionbox.when type a letter in input text then suggestionbox shows related data its okay but the problem is whe...
  • Performance Issue with rich: scrollable datatable, grid hides when scrolling up/down, rows=50

    Hi All,   We have used Richfaces3.3.3 and JSF 1.2 for our project. To display the data in the UI, we have used a datacomponent rich:scrollabledatatable. Initially we have decided to display a row limit of 250 ...
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    created by prathap_dudvat
  • rich:combobox doesn't work in IE8 (3.2.2 GA)

    Hi all,   I have a issue using rich 3.2.2 GA and IE 8. The value list isn't showed and a black shadow appears. Did someone see this (picture below) before? tks!!!!!
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    last modified by jocoelho
  • rich:dataTable sorting breaks in IE 9

    Hi Forum,             we are using JSF1.2 and rich faces 3.3.3 final. In one of my requirement we have given the sorting option for my rich:dataTable. Except IE ...
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    last modified by navi79
  • Send id of Tab-Panel with GET-Request

    I am using a commercial tool to convert Websites into pdf (expertPdf). The input to this tool is an URL, the output is a PDF.   I am using this tool on a web-application that uses jsf 1.2 & richfaces 3.3.3 ....
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    created by lukasforster
  • Need help on multiple file uploads using <rich:fileUpload>?.

    Need help on multiple file uploads using <rich:fileUpload>?.        Q) How to use 'clear' and 'clear All' buttons to remove uploaded files at server side(i.e when I click on these butto...
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    created by potla57
  • Need help on multiple file uploads using <rich:fileUpload>?

    Need help on multiple file uploads using <rich:fileUpload>?.        Q) How to use 'clear' and 'clear All' buttons to remove uploaded files at server side(i.e when I click on these butto...
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    created by potla57