• Can I use ClusteredInvoker in a standalone client?

    Hello,   I'm playing with clustered SwitchYard servers and wondering if a clustered SwitchYard service (i.e. a service having a SCA service binding with 'clustered' = true) can be invoked from a standalone clien...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • Switchyard and stored procedures (IN/OUT params)

    Hi,   I try to move one of my project to switchyard, but I don't know how to call stored procedures with IN/OUT params: CallableStatement apiStmt = apiSqlCon.prepareCall("{call myApi.createItem(?,?,?,?,?)}"); ap...
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    last modified by stelmik
  • Is it possible to define a service at runtime?

    We are building a Service oriented Knowledge Engineering Platform. We have used SY as the underlying service delivery framework. Now there is a new requirement: to provide end-users the ability to define their own ser...
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    last modified by prasenjit.d
  • Are all Camel Components supported in SwitchYard?

    Hi all, A quick question does SwitchYard support all camel components out of the box, or does SwitchYard just use camel for its routing capabilities. Really I am trying to make sure that if I was to use the camel-smp...
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    last modified by eeimarn
  • How to parse a header in SwitchYard 1.1?

    Previously we use SwitchYard 0.8. Now we try to switch to SwitchYard 1.1.  In SwitchYard 0.8, we use org.switchyard.Context.getProperty   to get headers. But in SwitchYard 1.1, everything is changed....
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    last modified by jaspervault
  • Switchyard - Control JMS redelivery. Best practices

    I am in need to control the redelivery properties of the JMS client bindings. So far I have found no way to do so against the JMS or JCA bindings. The default redelivery policy of 1 is inadequate for production enviro...
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    last modified by evidence01
  • Building a rest service that pushes into a jms queue - howto?

    Hi! I built a service that can be invoked by a rest binding and is implemented by a bean implementation. I would like to push into a jms queue upon a rest request, so that i can activate an asynchronous elaboration ...
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    last modified by 3r4sm0
  • error message running the lab2 on server

    I am trying to learm switchyard and just downloaded the switchyard learning materials, trying to run lab2. All the unit tests were passed but when trying to run on the server, The service failed to start with WELD-001...
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    created by suefu2013
  • SSH example

    Does anyone have experience setting up an SSH binding in Switchyard, and maybe an example?   My research there is supposedly a camel-ssh component, but also a netty TCP/ssh possibility (neither seem native/first...
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    last modified by dhartford
  • Problem with two different components having services with the same name

    Hi Community,   I'm trying a configuration that has two SY components which have services with the same name like the following: Component: name="Foo" Service: name="AwesomeService" Component: name="Bar" Serv...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • disable binding

    Hello,   How can I disable bindings ?  In production/acceptance, we use sftp binding but in development/integration, it's easier to use a simple File System Poller.   Is it possible to switch on/off a...
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    last modified by nxvanderlinden
  • SCA Interface required for Service or not?

    Hi,   imagine the following switchyard service, that reads a file through a camel producer and passes it as a message to a camel route. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <switchyard xmlns="urn:swi...
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    last modified by sdirbach
  • Example for adding TCP (Netty) encoder/decoders (registry?)

    Hi all, Using Switchyard 1.1, it is unclear how to add custom encoders/decoders and have it usable with the Netty binding in Switchyard.   Creating a new Switchyard project (updating to 1.1.0.Final), I've added...
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    last modified by dhartford
  • Eclipse Tooling sometimes hangs up...

    Hello folks,   In my Eclipse environment, SwitchYard Visual Editor sometimes hangs up / freezes when opening switchyard.xml and the entire IDE becomes unworkable. Once it hangs up, the Eclipse process cannot be ...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • Switchyard, Durable Subscriptions and Clustering. Guru Help!

    Hi everyone,   Quick question. We are using switchyard in a deployment model where we have many instances of the same application deployed across multiple application servers (jboss) that are NOT operating in a ...
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    last modified by evidence01
  • JMS Error handling in Switchyard

    I am trying to get Switchyard to handle a JMS send failure.  The happy path is to have the message hit the GenericGSCIMServiceBean where it is processed and a message is sent to an external JMS queue.  This ...
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    last modified by patrickawilson
  • Supported adapter details for switchyard

    I would like to know the details of supported adapters/transports by switchyard as I started to tweak.
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    last modified by rskarthikeyan
  • External JMS Reference - How?

    I am very new to Switchyard and having a tough time trying to figure out how to configure and code for an external JMS reference.  My project is, at the moment, a simple one.  XML data as defined by a WSDL c...
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    last modified by patrickawilson
  • Securing a switchyard rest-bind application

    Hi fellas,   Recently while i was going through various quickstarts,i built the rest-bind quickstart and working great now what i was thinking was how would i secure the exposed rest endpoint in switchyard? sam...
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    last modified by d.synchronized
  • Problem in invoking a Remote EJB in JBoss.5.1.0 GA Server from my local desktop ejb in same jboss version

    Hi JBoss experts, We need a to do a POC on calling remote EJB from my local ejb, both jboss servers running on same version Jboss.5.1.0 GA. We are getting so many problems in implementing this. I have the following...
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    last modified by velraman