• Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS in Teiid jdbc client 8.12.4

    Hi,   I am getting the following error when I use Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS in PreparedStatement and calling ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys();   WARNING [org.teiid.client.sockets] (http-localho...
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    last modified by xyran
  • select=false on a primary key gives odata - 404 error

    Hi,   When a primary key field is made 'selectable=false' it results in odata url giving 404 error. is this the expected behaviour? I expected the url - /odata/<vdb>/<tableName> to give data(200 ok)...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • First Setup Teiid fails :(

    Hello everyone! I'm a newbie with Teiid, so I need your help with the setup: I want to get Teiid to run and define some datasources with the designer. I downloaded the newest "8.13.0 With WildFly" and followed the...
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    last modified by reijin90
  • how do materialized views work

    Hi,   We are trying materialized views. We enable 'Materialized=true' in table properties and added ttl cache in select query. When we try the odata URL like /odata/table('Data1')?$format=json, it is not fetchi...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • query on odata get query in View tables

    Hi,   We have a view table which is a join of 7-8 source tables. This table has 10 child tables. I would like to know if the time taken to generate odata get response would be decreased if i remove the parent c...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • ttl cache on view table

    we have updated the default cache settings to -1 in our odata war file. we have a select query in our view table. We added a ttl cache in the view but it is not taking effect. Below are the two select queries i trie...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • Teiid JDBC setting the readonly flag throws an exception

    I am getting the following exception when setting the readonly flag on a Teiid jdbc connection- Call to method setReadOnly(true) not valid during a transaction   On further investigation it was observed that th...
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    last modified by cgausub
  • change odata default settings (cache and batch size)

    Hi,   I am using DV-6.1.0. I have updated the 'skiptoken-cache-time'  and 'batch-size' in web.xml (in folder-\DV-6.1.0\jboss-eap-6.3\modules\system\layers\dv\org\jboss\teiid\main\deployments), for removing...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • Facing problem while creating and deleting file data source through AdminAPI

    Hi , I am trying to create file data source through admin api of teiid. I am setting 2 properties fileProperties.setProperty("class-name","org.teiid.resource.adapter.file.FileManagedConnectionFactory"); fileProper...
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    last modified by nish18
  • Build VDB from Eclipse command line

    Dear all,   In my company, we are migrating to DV 6.2 (based on Teiid 8.7). We use Teiid Designer to build VDB and Subversion to track changes to VDB projects. We are thinking to track VDB errors / warnings with ...
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    last modified by jpmat
  • How to convert nvarchar2 to string datatype in view using DDL approach

    Hi,   I have created view in view model (using DDL approach) and pointing to oracle table, In the oracle table, the column data type as nvarchar2, but I need the same column and type as String in view, it does n...
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    last modified by govindarajs
  • filter on child table not working

    Hello,   We have modelled two tables and joined them by a foreign key relationship. url of type - odata/parentTable(primaryKey)/ChildTable(primaryKey) is fetching us the data that is having the primary key of ...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • Webservice datasource only getting partial result.

    Hi,   I have created a vdb using webservice as a data source.. Below is the transformation for the response procedure generated by teiid designer.   BEGIN     SELECT t.* FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNAM...
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    last modified by realmad
  • BQT - Execute from Eclipse

    Dear all   We will use BQT to execute non-regression test for our complex VDB.   Is it possible to execute BQT from Eclipse without opening a terminal ? I'm thinking about Ant integration or Maven integrat...
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    last modified by jpmat
  • Issues faced during clustered caching

    Hi,   Just wanted to point to some observations while testing clustered caching. The cluster includes 2 machines running Teiid, having the same VDB deployed, which contains a view model mapped to a JDBC a singl...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • BQT - Sort result set before comparison

    Dear all   Is there a way to tell to BQT to order result set before comparison with expected result ? I have an SQL query with random order of results.   I know I could use ORDER BY in the SQL but I don't ...
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    last modified by jpmat
  • How to create different users for teiid web-UI ?

    Hi ,   Does management and application users are related in any way to teiid WebUI users ? Suppose I create datasource and data service through Teiid WebUI using admin credentials. But when I login with regu...
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    last modified by nish18
  • Not able to connect to teiid server through AdminApi

    Hi Everyone. I am facing problem while using AdminApi from my test api to deploy VDB which needs to connect to teiid server. ( I tried different methods also other than deploy) But Its throwing connection exception. ...
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    last modified by nish18
  • SQL Server's fields of type NTEXT are not displayed in Teiid

    I have a SQLServer table which contains NTEXT as a data type.  And this NTEXT column doesn't show up in Teiid.  Is a way for me to workaround this issue?   Is it possible to map NTEXT into String?
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    last modified by ichanjasper
  • TEIID30517 Client thread already involved in a transaction.

    Hi, I'm using teiid 8.10.0 and hibernate. I have 2 entities related with a @ManyToMany annotation. When i tried to get one of this entities i get the following error: 18:01:00,717 WARN  [org.hibernate.engine.jd...
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    last modified by guidolomb