• How To Package And Include In Fedora A Gem?

    get a 'gem2rpm' script Fetch gem you want to package, like gem fetch sinatra Run gem2rpm sinatra-1.0.gem > rubygem-sinatra.spec Now edit this specfile, and change things like: s/%define/%global Check of spec fil...
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    last modified by goldmann
  • PrecompileJSPs

    JSP Precompilation on JBoss AS  Java EE offers a convenient way to deploy (and redeploy) JSPs by compiling them at runtime when they are added or changed.  It provides the performance and static typing of c...
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    last modified by eric.lentz_at_sherwin.com

    JBossJCA Frequently Asked Questions  General WhereCanIFindExampleJCADeployments? HowDoIDeployMyResourceAdapter? IWantToConnectToXYZShouldIUseJCA? (or should I use JCA) IGetInterruptedWhileRequestPermit? ...
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  • UsagePatterns

    Usage Patterns (Rule patterns and practices)  Drools is now becoming a large ecosystem of functionality that has expanded from the core rules engine capability in Drools Expert, to now encompass a full Business ...
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    last modified by newtonm
  • 2010 Star Spec Lead Nominations

    Each year at JavaOne, the Java Community Process (JCP) program holds an awards ceremony to announce the recipients of the Star Spec Lead Award (see past winners). These leaders earn this honor through their efficient,...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Cinco

    JBoss ESB 5 Design Space    ESB Core  Overview The core provides the basic building blocks for the foundation of an ESB:   Message : represents an individual input or output of a service, the cont...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • ReceiveJMXDeploymentNotifications

    All jboss deployers emit JMX notifications for the deployment events defined by the SubDeployer interface contract. The following constants from the org.jboss.deployment.SubDeployer define the event types:   ...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • GWT framework SWOT for Guvnor

    There are a lot of GWT frameworks. This SWOT analysis compares them.   Questions GWT-Mosaic SmartGWT Advanced GWT Ext GWT Website http://code.google.com/p/gwt-mosaic/ http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/ http://a...
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    last modified by ge0ffrey
  • HowToRunTheTestsuite

    How To Run the JBoss Testsuite  You must have a source distribution of JBoss to run the testsuite.  This document applies only to JBoss 3.2.7 and above.   Build JBoss  Before building the testsui...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • Installation of JBoss Forums 1.3 in JBoss Portal 2.7 + jboss 4.2.3.GA

    Follow please this guide:   Download JBoss Forums from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/labs/labs/jbossforums/branches/forums130P27   Start build/build.sh command to create the packages.   Copy forums/...
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • AS 6.0.0.M4 Release Notes

      JBoss AS 6.0.0.M4 is the fourth milestone release of the community driven AS 6 series. Building on the AS 6.0.0.M1 Release Notes , AS 6.0.0.M2 Release Notes, and AS 6.0.0.M3 Release Notes milestone releases, i...
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    last modified by jason.greene
  • JBossWS on AS 6M4 Release Notes

    New CXF based WS stack JBoss Application Server 6 M4 comes with a different JBossWS  webservice stack installed by default. Instead of the JBossWS-Native  stack that's been included till version 6 M3, the a...
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    last modified by jason.greene
  • JaasSecurityDomainSocketFactory

    Starting in JBoss AS 5.2 Beta, EAP 4.2 CP08 and EAP 4.3 CP06 there is a new SSLSocketFactory implementation available that can use a JaasSecurityDomain to configure SSL connections. This is useful if you need a custo...
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    last modified by mmoyses
  • Encrypt SSLPassword for native connectors on JBoss

    Native http connectors use a whole different set of attributes to set SSL. Here is an example configuration:   <Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"         &...
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    last modified by pskopek
  • JBoss ESB Action Annotations

    JBossESB 4.9 introduces a new set of Action Annotations that will hopefully help make it easier to create clean ESB Action implementations.  We want to hide the complexities of implementing interfaces and abstrac...
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    last modified by tfennelly
  • Apache+ssl+jboss+ssl

    Hello All,   I am having a requirement to set up an end-to-end ssl setup from browser-apache-jboss and also need to configure BigIP urls on top of it.   We are having 4 jvm's on the jboss host and all 4 re...
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    last modified by karthik10
  • Shine Enterprise Java Pattern

    A brief history of Shine When we started to do a project we encountered an important problem. Developing a project with amateur developers is very dangerous. Because new developers don't care about some important thin...
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    last modified by amirsam
  • Branches

    Branches and tags  JGroups version branch tag 2.2.7 Branch_JGroups_2_2_7 JG_2_2_7_final 2.2.7 SP1 Branch_JGroups_2_2_7 JGroups_2_2_7_SP1 2.2.8 JGROUPS_2_2_8 2.2.9 Branch_JGroups_2_2_9_1 ...
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    last modified by belaban
  • JBPM4 SQL Server

    SQL scripts to create JBPM4 database on MSSQL Server.
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    last modified by svetok
  • Added a custom appender to JBoss AS

    This document is based on the configuration of AS 5. Configuration may vary in other versions.   In order to configure JBoss to use additional log4j appenders, the following basic steps are required: Create app...
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    last modified by brettcave