RichFaces 4.5.17.Final Release Announcement
Posted by michpetrov in Michal Petrov's Blog on Jun 22, 2016 8:23:25 AMRichFaces 4.5.17.Final is available for download.
Note that this is the last release of RichFaces and the project has now reached its end-of-life. Thank you for staying with us for the past years.
In this release we've implemented a way to disable items in select, pickList and orderingList. We've also fixed an issue with combining RichFaces ajax functionality with basic JSF components and fixed issues with JS API in several components.
Release Notes
- [RF-4491] - pickList doesn't honor property 'disabled' of selectItems
- [RF-10966] - rich:autocomplete - missing @status attribute, autocomplete and select not unified
- [RF-12242] - rich:dropDownMenu and showTimeout works wrong
- [RF-12731] - mobile showcase: a4j:queue/attachQueue are not working
- [RF-12778] - panelMenu: JS API calls doesn't work
- [RF-13537] - Autocomplete: onbegin attribute ignored
- [RF-14268] - mobile showcase: ajax validation messages does not show up without refreshing the page [MyFaces]
- [RF-14272] - page-fragments: inplace select: remove unnecessary Selenium workaround in select method
- [RF-14273] - page-fragments: contextMenu: correct the default showEvent and fix workaround for phantomjs
- [RF-14275] - dataScroller: JS API: invoking fastRewind/fastForward throws NumberFormatException
- [RF-14277] - extendedDataTable: JS API
- [RF-14282] - dataTable: add missing clearSorting/Filtering JS API methods to Component reference
- [RF-14288] - examples: missing checkstyle plugin version
- [RF-14295] - mobile showcase: visual issues
- [RF-14297] - RichFaces Update 4.5.15 => 4.5.16 breaks a4j:ajax => method not invoked
- [RF-14298] - datatable - rowclick listener triggered twice
- [RF-14299] - Popup-Panel resizing broken in 4k resolution monitors
- [RF-14301] - autocomplete events invoked on wrong target
- [RF-14302] - mobile showcase: browsing to sample by url returns to last opened sample
Component Upgrade
- [RF-14274] - Upgrade third-party libraries
- [RF-14270] - showcase: attachQueue: UX: add intentional delay for showing the status
- [RF-14287] - page-fragments: select: replace invoking of blur in select method
- [RF-14290] - integration-tests: limit page load timeout
- [RF-14294] - Configure the tests to run with Firefox in Travis-ci
Feature Request
- [RF-6678] - RichFaces Select components: implement disabled state support for selectItem
- [RF-13437] - contextMenu: support hiding by clicking outside only
- [RF-10782] - simplify width control of Input components
- [RF-14165] - Clean up Showcase
- [RF-14279] - Update JSDoc
- [RF-14280] - Update core maven dependencies for build
- [RF-14291] - showcase: integration-tests: remove unsupported layout switching
- [RF-14292] - integration-tests: try to reload the page when loading timed out
- [RF-14293] - showcase: integration-tests: add missing request guards and cleanup session
- [RF-14296] - photoalbum: tests: encapsulate fields, add waiting to header panel
- [RF-14303] - upgrade Tomcat containers version