RichFaces 4.5.14.Final Release Announcement
Posted by michpetrov in Michal Petrov's Blog on Mar 1, 2016 6:44:00 AMRichFaces 4.5.14.Final is available for download.
In this release we've implemented a long-requested feature - a menu for hiding columns in rich:extendedDataTable (you can see it action in the Showcase). We've fixed ajax requests in rich:tree, rich:treeNode now inherits request-related attributes (oncomplete, data, …) from the parent tree. There were two updates that might cause issues with custom styles, the components affected are rich:contextMenu (style and styleClass now apply to a different element) and rich:popupPanel (style was being incorrectly applied in two places).
Release Notes
- [RF-10265] - rich:tree - toggling fires @onbegin event handler, but omits @onbeforedomupdate and @oncomplete
- [RF-12097] - Richfaces 4.2.0 invalid css entry for *.rf-insl-tt
- [RF-12295] - Facelets exception on postback when partial state saving is off
- [RF-12979] - rich:contextMenu inside rich:accordion displays incorrectly
- [RF-14159] - Autosized popup panel has wrong size after re-render
- [RF-14225] - Behavior of rich:select component with duplicate labels
- [RF-14229] - rich:dragSource - error on dropover when using custom options
- [RF-14231] - FocusManager: cannot focus on component inside iteration component
- [RF-14233] - rich:dragSource - empty dragOptions cause error
- [RF-14235] - rich:popupPanel - style attribute is applied twice
Component Upgrade
- [RF-14226] - Upgrade third-party libraries
- [RF-14128] - Add profile for WF 10
- [RF-14227] - Incorrect information in Developer Guide
- [RF-14230] - Provide better handling for RichFaces.ui.Droppable
- [RF-14239] - provide better parent menu resolutions for menu items
Feature Request
- [RF-7872] - Tables: columns visibility
- [RF-14234] - Add profile for EAP 6.4
- [RF-14240] - photoalbum: stabilize tests
- [RF-14241] - page-fragments: contextMenu: fix the page fragment after refactoring in contextMenu
- [RF-14242] - showcase: integration-tests: contextMenu: fix locators
- [RF-14232] - Document @showColumnControl and add example to showcase