• Warp extension for testing RESTful services

    Arquillian already allows for deploying JAX-RS services and running them in the client mode like in the provided example:   {code} @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class StockServiceResourceTestCase {   ...
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    last modified by jmnarloch
  • Spring extension Beta 2 plans

    I would like to open discussion on next Spring extension release:   What I would like see in this version:   Integraion: ARQ-960 - Provide the way to specify the strategy on instantiting AppllicationConte...
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    last modified by jmnarloch
  • Arquillian and Thucydides integration

    This thread documents the ongoing effort to integration Arquillian and Thucydides.   Last year during Devoxx, Aslak and I met up with John Smart to discuss and hack on an integration between Arquillian and Thucy...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Arquillian Extension for Concordion

    I am looking to create an extension to use Concordion (BDD/ADD framework).   Have browsed through the projects that are contributing extensions for Spock and JBehave, and general Arquillian development articles ...
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    last modified by lovem
  • arquillian +jsfunit +JBoss6

    Hi, im new at arquillian developping , im facing a lot of problems , PLZ if someone has a working example including arquillian jsfunit and JBoss6 , help me plz , i have a presentation and have no working example yet !...
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    created by betty19
  • GSoC Org Application

    Google is now encouraging OSS projects to apply as participating organizations in GSoC this year. Given that we are working hard to be seen as a top-level, independent project, I think this is a great opportunity to s...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • How to configure multiple containers differently via one extension?

    Hi,   I would like to get some ideas how to make some extension which reflects various setups according of which container it extends. Lets say I have two containers A and B and I have the extension C which does...
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    last modified by smikloso
  • Arquillian and Websphere

    Recently I added some enhancements to the Websphere part of Arquillian: - Deployment to Websphere Environment with Deploy Manager and Nodes running in a Cluster - Support for Shared Library - Support for ClassLoadi...
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    last modified by dboeckli
  • Alternative ways to provide JSF pages (or another web resources)

    We have started this discussion on JHackFest in Brno.   ----   Ultimately, we should be able to use following methods to describe resources as JSF/XHTML pages:     in javadoc using ShrinkWrap a...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Warp Roadmap Update - aka "Beta1 and next"

    Hello everyone,   I have prepared a roadmap for 1.0.0.Beta1 as a set of sprints: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=181&view=planning   The Beta1 release should focus on polishin...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Improving Warp Spring MVC

    Lately, I had been thinking about bringing some functionalitites of Spring 3 into the Warp Spring MVC extension.   Current the extension is being compiled against Spring 2.5.6. In order not to brake the it's com...
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    last modified by jmnarloch
  • ARQ-638 - Best way to keep the container clean

    Hi,   I'm working on the ARQ-638 feature and I sent a pull request some days ago. The basic idea was to remove the following directories before running tests : standalone/data standalone/tmp standalone/log &#...
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    last modified by grossetieg
  • arquillian and osgi service injection

    Hi all, I have started to use arquillian for my integration tests. I am working and multi osgi bundle application that I'd like to test with arquillian. Is it possible to test the @OSGIService @Inject CDI features, ...
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    created by mehditerraneen
  • Extensible test filtering

    Just think, rule-based test filtering. ARQ-905   Users of Arquillian would really benefit from having an extensible test filtering mechanism, something that JUnit and TestNG just aren't giving them today.  ...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Graphene 2 Roadmap

    Hey guys,   I have created proposal for Graphene 2 roadmap (in JIRA) through Alpha3 to Final. There are some issue highlights:   Alpha3  Page Fragment enrichment - Alpha2 got Page Fragments - we are f...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Groovy native API for ShrinkWrap

    Hi everyone,   I have started a project to create a Groovy API for ShrinkWrap and ShrinkWrap descriptors: https://github.com/shrinkwrap/shrinkwrap-groovy   It looks like this: class ExampleDeploy { ...
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    created by carlossierra
  • arquillian android container implementation

    Hi all,   I started to code a container for android devices, I just took the whole concept of Arquillian - creating archive locally, deploying it to the container which enriches it and tests are executed - to th...
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    last modified by smikloso
  • Enabling "null" in arquillian.xml and arquillian.properties

    Hello,   sometimes, there is a need to store null in arquillian.xml or arquillian.properties.   This need raises when you use Maven filtering but for some combinations you want to remove a property altoge...
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    last modified by kpiwko
  • JBoss Tools switch for -Darquillian.debug=true

    I have idea that JBoss Tools can contain switch which will turn on Arquillian debugging output with both, tests and container.   That way, developer will be provided with detailed information about Arquillian te...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Shaping Warp Alpha2

    Hey everyone,   I went through Warp issues and scheduled them to:   warp_1.0.0.Alpha2 warp_1.0.0.tracking (Issues to be likely addressed in scope of 1.0) warp_1.next (Features and issues to be included i...
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    last modified by lfryc