• ErrorHandler on route vs component problem

    I created an ErrorHandler, added it to my bean definition file, then added it to a component in my diagram, re-deployed the diagram, and everything worked as expected.   However, when I remove it from the in...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Adding bean reference in FID 1.2.1

      Hi,       1. I created a POJO, added 2 methods to it.   2. Created Spring Bean Definition xml file and referenced the pojo in it       <bean id="id1" cla...
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    last modified by sivaram
  • ClassNotFoundException When JMS endpoint is added to the EIP diagram

    Hi,   I'm trying to develop a sample EIP diagram using FID 1.2.1 and deploy it on ESB   1. When I add JMS endpoint to the EIP diagram and deploy, I get the following exception. Other posts mentione...
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    last modified by sivaram
  • CXF web service - auto generate SEI?

    I want to use a CXF endpoint / web service as the entry point to my EIP diagram.   I've got the wsdl, can I get FID to autogenerate the SEI from the wsdl for me, or do I have to hand-code it?  ...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Importing into FID 1.2.1 / JaxB

    Hi All,   I'm trying to import an existing Fuse CamelContext into FID 1.2.1. It contains two JAXB dataformat Bean elements, and these seem to prevent the file from being imported - I get the window asking me to ...
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    last modified by dansalt_dansalt.webmail
  • Aggregator and NPE

    Given the following route drawn in the EIP Editor (version 1.2.1):   file -> multicast ->  xslt -> aggregator -> file             ...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Web Service access ?

    I've been learning FID, and used it to create a web service and deploy it into  FuseESB   Using the Web services explorer, I can access the web service, and get responses back, so I know the se...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Debugging with ESB - Mediation Router location?

    I'm trying to debug an EIP diagram, but to create the debugging configuration, I have to tell it the location of the Mediation Router.   I'm using Fuse ESB, how do I tell FID to use that, or must I i...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Null Pointer Exception when multiple parameters are passed

    Hi,   I have created webservice with multiple input parameters . When i run the webervice in designer mode i get the following exception.But with single parameter there seems to be no issue.   Any help on ...
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    last modified by khaliqgaffar
  • camel version mismatch FID - FuseESB

    I'm trying to deploy an EIP project from FID 1.2.1 to FuseESB, and one of the components in it is a camel bean.  I've created the Spring bean file, and the Java POJO class.  When I deploy it,  I...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Some Issues while installing fuse under following eclipse version on Mac OS

    Some Issues while installing fuse under following eclipse version   OS Version: Mac OS X-10.5.7 FID 1.2.1: 1.     Downloaded linux version of FID .I was not able to run fuse under even...
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    last modified by khaliqgaffar

    Hi ,   I have created an eip diagram where incoming request comes via webservice which does certain buisness logic returns the output back to webservice.   I would like to know is there any palletes or pro...
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    last modified by khaliqgaffar
  • Web Service - problem with WSDL and TAD document

    I'm having a problem with the Fuse Integration Designer and my WSDL's for a top-down test web service.   Every WSDL I have, including the person.wsdl from the servicemix example, gives me a warning:   ...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Fuse Integration Tools in Eclipse on the Mac

    I am running Eclipse Ganymede (JEE download) and installed Fuse Integration Designer as an Eclipse plug-in.   There were no errors in the steps to install Fuse Integration Designer following the instructions in ...
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    last modified by sgg_sgg
  • Java Heap Space Error when running cxf based service provider

    Hello, As defined in cheat sheets created a sample cxf based web service provider. When i try to run the web service i get the following error . I have attached eip_diagram as camel export file.   Please let me...
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    last modified by khaliqgaffar
  • CXF route Configuration with Camel using FID

    I am a developer working with your new Fuse Integration Designer IDE. I have been having some trouble developing a camel route that utilizes the CXF component.  My current route is simple.  The route  ...
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    last modified by jcornell
  • CXF Properties

    I believe I have the URI, WSDL URL, Service Name and Port Name porperly defined for my CXF endpoint properties.  Were does the Service Class attribute come from.  I have read the documentation and it still i...
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    last modified by jcornell
  • Fuse Integration Designer: access to table in relational database

    I have seen documentation that indicates that it is possible to integrate with relational databases using direct JDBC access, OpenJPA, hibernate or TopLink.   It is not clear from the documentation how to approa...
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    last modified by simonepringle
  • FUSE Integration Designer 1.2.1 download available but no 1.2.1 docs yet

    Do you have a timeframe for making the FUSE Integration Designer 1.2.1 docs available? The download is available but the updated docs are not yet available.
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    last modified by rlg673
  • EIP Diagram - HTTP endpoint causes NoClassDefFoundError

    I have created an EIP diagram which uses an  HTTP endpoint.  When I try to debug it, I get a NoClassDefFoundError for org.apache.commons.httpclient/HttpConnectionManager.   I have already added the Com...
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    last modified by simonepringle