• How to configure a default dashboard page for every user ?

    I would like to configure a default dashboard page for every user in GateIn. How can we do this ?. I heard about a default-object.xml file but where is this file located in the  gatein distribution?   Thx
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    last modified by opic
  • Changing database from default JBoss to Oracle 11

    Hi guys, hope you can help me with this.   I am trying to setup GateIn so that it would work with Oracle database 11 (Ent. editio). I have made following modifications   To configuration.properties  ...
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    last modified by mirkomali
  • Who is interested for a powerfull WCM on GateIn?

    Hi there,   I'm worry about that is no solution shipped with GateIn that brings a WCMS functionality. So I've compiled EPP 5.1 from Source and compiled the eXo WCM extension. But that is really to complicate to ...
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    last modified by minimike
  • unicode / utf login fails

    hey folks,   how is it, that I can create a user with unicode characters, but the login fails? tried with german umlauts and russian characters.   Can anyone tell me, how to fix this?   i tried addin...
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    created by walnut
  • Exception source in PortletExceptionHandleService

    Hello,   I have a question about the Gatein PortletExceptionHandleService (EPP 5.1).   This handler is called for example with a NullPointerException if a WSRP remote producer is not available directly aft...
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    created by christoph.hennes
  • Norwegian site live on GateIn 3.1.0-GA

    Hi   Just wanted to share with you that a customer that I've been working with for the past year, now is running live on GateIn 3.1.0-GA, tomcat and Spring 3.0.5.   There has been some issues with 3.1.0 an...
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    last modified by ceik
  • Integrating Hippo HST as an Portlet

    Hi there   I'm trying to deploy Hippos HST as an Portlet inside GateIn and so I've folowed these steps described here on https://wiki.onehippo.com/display/CMS7/HST+Portlet+in+Jetspeed+or+Liferay   Currents...
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    last modified by minimike
  • Customising registration page in GateIn

    Hi,   I am customizing user registration in GateIn Portal - Version 3.1   I am thinking of modifying code in UIRegisterInputSet.java present in org.exoplatform.account.webui.component.   I want to ad...
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    created by selfcare
  • Lengthy login delay

    I was wondering if anyone has had this issue with GateIn...  When I login (either as a user or root), sometimes it takes up to a minute for me to log-on.  I doesn't matter if it on my localhost machine (wind...
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    last modified by scottymac
  • GateIn Skin/Theme

    Hi,   Im starting to explore GateIn as a platform and love it thus far!   I am however struggling with the Skin/Theme aspect of it.   Can anoyone point me in the right direction ?
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    last modified by nicwillemse
  • Repository not started exception while starting Gatein

    Hi, I am trying to setup Oracle DB 10g with Gatein 3.1 and getting the following errors while server startup. (see attached 'server.log' file for complete stacktrace)   05:07:59,128 ERROR [RepositoryServiceImpl...
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    last modified by meghaattcs
  • JAAS Authentication in Gatein

    Hi, I am working on a migration from JBoss 4.0.5 & JBoss Portal 2.4 to JBoss 6.x with Gatein portal. Presently all our authentication follows JAAS. So without much changes (to my code) I would like to stick to J...
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    last modified by meghaattcs
  • Monitor login/logout of users in your portal

    If you are portal administrator, you can be interested which users logged into your portal and how much time they are spending here. In this case, you can try to use portal extension user-tracker-extension, which can ...
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    last modified by prabhat.jha
  • Initial WSRP Producer configuration

    Hello,   we are using EPP 5.1 with remote portlets. During deployments, our consumer portal is completly fresh installed. Therefore, previously installed WSRP producer configuration is lost and JBoss falls back ...
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    last modified by christoph.hennes
  • Remote portlets in pages.xml

    Hello,   we are using EPP 5.1 and want to reference remote portlets in a newly installed portal by using pages.xml. I have tried a few combinations but everytime, Gatein complains, that the specified portlet id ...
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    last modified by christoph.hennes
  • Localization of components of portal

    Hi again kind people of gatein. I have a problem, in users guide of portal it is said that multilanguage support of pages is done by key=value structure in that .propertie in portal navigation, and that is fine its w...
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    created by arsa
  • How to configure Oracle 10g DB in Gatein

    Hi, I am using Oracle 10g DB to connect to Jboss server 6.x packaged with Gatein. (trying to create tables while first time server startup) Here is how my configuration.properties looks like. (please see the JCR par...
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    created by meghaattcs
  • Question about Serbian locales

    Hi kind people of the GateIn and Jboss. I wanted to ask question about serbian locale and translation. It is not problem to translate it in serbian cyrilic and init it in the locale-config.xml file. My question is how...
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    last modified by arsa
  • Question about Banner portlet?

            Hi kind people of GateIn and Jboss, I wanted to ask question or two. I wanted to remove "Register" link from my home page in portal and i cant seem to find where is situated...
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    last modified by arsa
  • Adding PortletInvokerInterceptor to chain

    Hello,   we want to add a PortletInvokerInterceptor to the existing chain build by       org.exoplatform.portal.pc.ExoKernelIntegration   in GateIn Version of EPP 5.1.   As far ...
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    last modified by christoph.hennes