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Thread Gatein User Autorization
Gatein User AutorizationHi. In front of me is such a task - after authentication on the GateIn portal to add a field indicating the category to which this user. I would be very grateful if you tell me how to do it? I'm using GateIn 3.6
Thread Sometimes it is not possible to login into GateIn
Sometimes it is not possible to login into GateInHi all I configured my GateIn portal with oracle 10g. Some time (rarely) when i am going to login into GateIn it is not possible to login and a message like "username or password does not exist" this wi...
Custom JS and CSS for portletI want to change the display of content in portlet through custom CSS and JQuery in portlet pages using GateIn 3.6. I have tried two ways to achive this 1st: I have tried the help avaiable at https://communi...
Thread Can't login GateIn when oracle service restart
Can't login GateIn when oracle service restartHi all I configured my GateIn 3.2 portal application with oracle 10g. After that i restarted my oracle service without restarting my GateIn portal. Then after when i am going to login into ga...
Thread Setup GateIn with Eclipse Kepler Release for the Debugging of Portlets
Setup GateIn with Eclipse Kepler Release for the Debugging of PortletsCan anyone please guide me that how i can integrate GateIn 3.6 as server into Eclipse (Kepler Release) for the debugging of Portlets. Currently i have installed JBoss tool for kepler through market place. Whenever i a...
Community of GateIn PortalHi at all, im looking for the size of the community of GateIn Portal. Does anyone know any number for it? Best Regards Mehmet
gatein 3.1 problem sessionI installed GateIn 3.1 and I integrated portlets that contain jsp page. I created user1, user2, user3, user4 so that each user connected when it will have its own menu to access. The project was successful, but afte...
Thread Deploying a portlet in a non-portlet container
Deploying a portlet in a non-portlet containerI have a specific requirement to write a specific application module as a portlet and deploy it in a JBoss server (not in a portlet container) and have it consumed in a portlet container (hosted in a different server)...
Article GateIn SSO integration with Salesforce and Google Apps
GateIn SSO integration with Salesforce and Google AppsWARNING: GateIn integration with Salesforce and Google Apps is now documented in GateIn reference guide https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/GTNPORTAL36/SAML2 where are latest informations. This wiki page is no longe...
Authorization in Gatein Server...Hi All, I need help on authorization in gatein server ,so that it could be portlet based. Like, If I login as user1 then i can view portlet1,portlet2, ...
Thread Error in building Jboss 7.2.0.Final + Gatein Portal 3.6.0.Final
Error in building Jboss 7.2.0.Final + Gatein Portal 3.6.0.FinalHello everyone! When I build Jboss AS 7.2.0.Final with Gatein Portal 3.6.0.Final I get this error [INFO] GateIn JBoss AS 7.x.x packaging ................... SUCCESS [0.042s] [INFO] GateIn - Portlet Co...
Thread Is there any way to hook users functionality in GateIn?
Is there any way to hook users functionality in GateIn?I want to replicate users profile field data in other custom tables (other than GateIn tables) on user’s creation process. Here GateIn user’s creation functionality remains the same as it is. Two ways that...
GateIn portal is not startingHi All, I am new to GateIn. I tried to install GateIn with an existing JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final. Bellow are the stepts that I followed, but in the end I've got 404 - resource not found error when typing http://lo...
Responsible menu portlet - rightsHello, I've tried to use responsible menu portlet in my portal container, but menu shows all menu items regadless of user rights on pages. So page, which is not public could be seen by unauthenticated users. I...
Can't register a WSRP consumerI'm running 2 JBoss instances on the same machine and am trying to establish communication via WSRP between them. Configuration: JBoss EPP 5.2.1, GateIn based on 3.1.0 JBoss instance 1 - running on l...
How to add filter in a portal extensionI have successfully created a custom portal extension "my-portal-extension", and I want to add a filter that will process on <url-mapping>/*</url-mapping> The MyFilter.jar is places in my-portal-ex...