• JBoss 5.1.0.GA

    Hi, we are planning to upgrade our JBoss 5.1.0.GA to newer version in 6.0. Could you please let me know whether this is a community edition or EAP version? in case community edition where i can find the latest vers...
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    last modified by madhu20059
  • Remote JNDI lookup - Wildfly 9.X to JBOSS 4.0.3RC1 (Where Ejb's are deployed)

    Hello Everyone,   I am in the process of migrating from Jboss 4.0.3 RC1 to Wildfly 9.X but there are some 3rd party EJB's are not supported on Wildfly and hence, we thought of having a remote ejb call from Wildf...
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    created by pasupulanaveen
  • JBoss ClassCast Exception

    When I try to cast a class, that I looked up, it gives me following exceptioN:   10:14:13,065 ERROR [[WEUserService]] Servlet.service() for servlet WEUserService threw exception java.lang.ClassCastException: $P...
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    last modified by noircc
  • Is it different classloaders in a EAR?

    Hello!   I use a JBoss eap 6.4 and tries to create a test EAR with a WAR and a JAR with ejb's inside. My problem is that Servlets in my WAR can not make local calls (@EJB) to the ejb's inside the JAR even thoug...
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    last modified by fredand44
  • Cannot find BRMS repository!

    Hi to all,   after DB restore, i am having a problem with the BRMS repository. In fact, when i try to use JBoss BRMS console, i have the following message:           ...
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    last modified by pmozzillo
  • Jboss old version of code displayed in browser

    Hi,   We have JBOSS 4.0.5.GA as application server front-ended by Apache web server, both running on same Linux box.   Issue we have now is, even though we deploy new version of code, browser still display...
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    last modified by saakuma1
  • Default GC Mechanism in JBoss 6.1.0 final

    Hello All,   Can you please let me know whats the default GC mechanism in JBoss 6.1.0 final version? Because, when we enable gc logging, in the startup arguments, can see that: -XX:+UseParallelGC is present Bu...
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    last modified by manu29585
  • jboss 4.2.3 stop writing to server.logs -  log4j stopworking

    We are using JBOSS 4.2.3 at the production. It was observed that the server stop write logs at server logs. We check the server.logs, nohoup.out, /var/log/messages, dmesg and no issue can lead to why the server stop...
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    last modified by p3020064
  • Configuring the Jboss server to shutdown on Port collisiion

    Hi,   Is there a way to configure the Jboss server to stop from going ahead when we get 13:01:53,059 ERROR [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol] (MSC service thread 1-8) Error initializing endpoint: java.net...
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    last modified by sameerp
  • Modules Directory Not Present

    Hi, I am using jboss-5.1.0.GA for one of my old versioned application where modules directory is not present in JBOSS_HOME directory like in Jboss 7 . I have created a custom 'modules' folder in Jboss home directory ...
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    last modified by div__gcet
  • NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.PersistenceManager.setSupportsTxAge

    Hello All,   I am migrating a JBoss jboss-4.3.0.GA_CP10 from one server to another.   It is working in the origin, and I just tar the entire JBoss and move it to the new server, but when I try to start one...
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    last modified by viniciusmaia
  • Jboss 4.2.3GA + jdk 1.7

    I work on an application released on jboss 4.2.3GA + jdk 1.6 I need to upgrade jdk at least to 1.7, is it possible to do it with the same jboss version ?   Is it possible to use jBoss 4.2.3GA with jdk 1.7 ? I ...
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    last modified by vittoriomorellini
  • Deployment errors when migrating from JBOSS 5.1 to JBOSS EAP 6.4

    Hi, I am trying to migrate the EAR application containing multiple EJB jars. Some of the EJB projects are dependent on other ejb project. application.xml and server log is attached   I get the following error....
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    last modified by pritihande21-1
  • Problems in Firefox and Chrome with "Kie Drools Workbench 6.1.0 Final" after the login

    Hello,   I'm trying to test Kie Drools Workbench 6.1.0 Final in several web navigators (Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome 38.0.2125.104 m and Firefox 33.0) and I'm having problems with Google Chrome and Firefo...
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    last modified by javi1981
  • Deploying Ear and War file at the same Jboss 4 server.

    Hi all,   I got a big problem when deploy the two application on one Jboss server.   1. An Ear file that have many functions connect to a db using oracle-ds.xml. 2. An War file that have a web service ca...
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    last modified by cuongthieu
  • Invalid Json namespace exception thrown in REST using Jettison

    We re using Jboss 6.3.3 GA version for deploying webservices. There is a rest request that supports both Json and XML formats. We have also addded @Mapped annotation to map Xmlns to Json ns. @Mapped( namespace = { @X...
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    last modified by mgpandian
  • Issue with  lang-addon.xml jboss while using ZK components

    I am deploying WAR file in JBoss 6.4.0 EAP, on deploying I am getting following error:     17:07:57,168 SEVERE [org.zkoss] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 63) File not found: /WEB-INF/lang-addon.xml, at [SYS ...
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    last modified by adityan
  • Jms Integration between two app in two jboss

    Hi guys, I need some guidance about integrate two system using JMS.  Lets say I have app1.ear is deployed into jboss1 and app2.ear is deployed into jboss2. Now I wanna send message from jboss1 to jboss2,  so...
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    last modified by marcoscba
  • Configuring from URL: resource:jboss-log4j.xml

    Hello I am new to jboss so if anyone knows how to solve this issue... please let me know. I see a lot of discussion on this topic but no resolution was posted. tks   Issue: I installed the new server an...
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    last modified by martiebean
  • JBoss - jms-bridge - javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: invalid name or password

    Hi,   I am trying to create a jms-bridge from JBoss EAP 6.4 to TIbco EMS 8 (I think).   I setup the below in the standalone config:        <jms-bridge name="TibcoBridge" ...
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    last modified by meetpraveenkumar