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Thread Jboss on a usb or disk
Jboss on a usb or diskHi I made an J2EE application running on Jboss. I use Java Server faces. I consume a web service and display it on data tables. I want to give it to few users for testing. As the porject management was messed up I sti...
Thread hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml, HighMemoryMark and MaxMemoryMark
hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml, HighMemoryMark and MaxMemoryMarkHi, this is a snhapshot of my hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml configuration file: 0 0 jboss.mq:service=PersistenceManager . I set HighMemoryMark and MaxMemoryMark to '0' value in order to see my localDB.data file grow...
Thread Problem Displaying the Applet in the web console
Problem Displaying the Applet in the web consoleHi I installed Jboss in my Computer .. When I use this Url: http://localhost:8080/web-console/ I can't see the applet in the left side of the console The error is: class org.jboss.navtree.appletbrowser not found C...
Thread Problem in loading console applet in jboss-head
Problem in loading console applet in jboss-headHi i built from the source code(cvs co jboss-head)... After compilation and starting i am not able to see the applet in the left hand frame I am getting the following exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jb...
Moving admin-console out of jbossas/trunkThe current admin-console does not really fit in the jbossas/trunk location as its not built from the jbossas/trunk/build and its eclipse project definitions are broken. We should move this to https://svn.jboss.org/r...
AGWTWebBasedManagement ConsoleThe author of this project sent me the following links. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=177395 http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=177395
JBoss Admin console 1.1 snapshotNow that we?ve come to a relatively stable place with respect to the current feature set I think it makes sense to tag trunk for a 1_1 version of the Admin Console. Following the versioning protocol (http://wiki.jboss...
JBossMQ vs JBoss MessagingWe have noticed that a couple of weeks ago that JBossMQ disappeared from jboss-head. We believe that this is due to its impending replacement by JBoss Messaging in the 5.0 release. Up to now, the admin console was cod...
Cluster support?Just curious if there's any intention to add support at a cluster or even domain level? So I can change a datasource and have that propegate to all nodes in the cluster. Or to be able stop / start / configure java arg...
Binary distribution package.Now that the coding for version 1.1 is nearing compeltion, we need to start thinking about a binary package for the admin console. I have created a JIRA issue for this (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBADMCON-147),...
Show the datasource statusHi, Well, I'm having some problems with timeout of my datasource. Then I would want see the datasource status. Where in jboss administration, I can find this information? Could I log this information? Is there one pa...
Thread Admin-console and JMS configuration, Deployments
Admin-console and JMS configuration, DeploymentsI have just started looking at the admin console and I am very impressed with the current state, but I do have a few questions about what is currently in place and also what are the plans for the future. First I noti...
Thread What is the ultimate intent of separate output folders for A
What is the ultimate intent of separate output folders for AI'm trying to make sure the console behaves well when building, testing and debugging under Eclipse, and I've run into something I don't quite understand. Currently, the admin console contains output folders for Ant...
Thread Error message from 'create data source' refers to non-existe
Error message from 'create data source' refers to non-existeIf I attempt to create a datasource from incomplete parameters, the error message returned refers to the "admin console log file". Currently, we are logging to the server log file, so the error messages should lead to...
Deleting existing data sourcesRegarding JIRA issue JBADMCON-134. One of the variations on updating a data source is removing the data source. For a data source created by the admin console, or other tool, via the deployment service, deleting is si...
Thread Recent code changes that affect multiple components
Recent code changes that affect multiple componentsI have recently checked-in the code which allows existing destinations to be updated. As part of the implementation, a few other components were also touched. Here're some brief explanation of the changes: . Destinat...
Thread Updating JBossMQ settings through the admin console is now w
Updating JBossMQ settings through the admin console is now wThe implementation allowing the JBossMQ settings to be updated by the admin console has been checked-in. You should be able to use the console to not just view, but also update the JBossMQ settings now!
Struts and EJBDear All, I am a new on Struts integrating to EJB, i would like to know if there is any tutoril out thereabout Struts with EJB which are building using ANT tool. Please help me in this matter Regards, Adel
Selecting data source for messagesI would like to propose a use case for determining where messages are stored. Currently, there are several MBeans and properties that deal with how and where JBoss stores messages waiting delivery. I propose that the...