Thread Business Rule Task doesn't get executed inside a loop
Business Rule Task doesn't get executed inside a loopHi Maciej , I have created a business process as explained in this loop example. If i add a Business rule task just after the loo...
Error after JBPM 6.3 process MigrationI used approach to migrate JBPM 6.3 process and after successful migrating the process In...
Tutorial: EclipseHello, I am new to jBPM and I am trying to learn. I am going through the documentation. I am trying the "10-Minute Tutorial using Eclipse". I downloaded the zip file and ran "ant install.demo...
Thread How to manage Hibernate sessions in JBPM 7.0.0
How to manage Hibernate sessions in JBPM 7.0.0 We are currently using JBPM 7.0.0.Final in wildfly 10.1.0.Final. While Performance testing we found that we had to increase the database pool size to maximum, inorder to achieve concurrent exe...
Thread how to get job executor configuration values?
how to get job executor configuration values?Hi, I am using KIE workbench and I am trying to get org.kie.executor.pool.size value by following way - System.getProperty("org.kie.executor.pool.size"); But it returns blank/null value. What is it so? how can i see t...
JBPM Executor Load Testing IssueHi, I am using JBPM 7.0.0Final ,deployed in wildfly10.1. Scenario: Designed simple workflow that contains script tasks with required system.out.println() & wait time of 2 seconds using Thread.sleep().And...
Thread How to Create a New Project using Kie Workbench Rest API
How to Create a New Project using Kie Workbench Rest APII want to Create a new Project in an existing repository using Kie workbench Rest API. As per the documentation, we can have POST http://{server}:{port}/kie-wb/rest/repositories/{repositoryName}/projects to crea...
SLA support in JBPMIn axios System there is sla (Service Level Agreements) conceptService Level Agreements lay down the performance levels required when dealing with an Event. assyst uses the Service Level Agreements to allow you to mon...
Task event listenerHi all!! I want to add a task event listener to make actions while task event occurs. I have this:
@PersistenceUnit(unitName = "jbpm")
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
private ...
Thread JBPM 7 Could not find work item handler for Rest
JBPM 7 Could not find work item handler for RestI'm running JBPM 7.1.0.Final using the show case docker images for the jbpm workbench and kie-server and have a simple little workflow that includes a REST node. When the execution gets to the REST node (via a timer n...
Thread Problem with font size in designer 3.1.7 on Mac
Problem with font size in designer 3.1.7 on MacHi ! My company still uses this designer and I have one question. It might be actually relevant for all of the versions. I started developing on Mac (I was on Linux previously). And Viewer of processdefintion...
Thread Jbpm 7. Using Sub-process on a different project does not work.
Jbpm 7. Using Sub-process on a different project does not work.Hi. I am using both jbpm 7.1 and 7.3 I created a simple process A and B on Project 1, and process C in Project 2. If process A calls the process B on a same project it works fine. Which tells me ...