Kosmos portlet page is emptyI use "JBoss Portal + JBoss AS 4.0.3SP1" and "kosmos-0.2.0RC1-for-jboss-portal". I have copied kosmos-portlet.war, kosmos-server.war, slide.war to deploy directory of JBoss AS. I have started http://localhost:8080/por...
Thread serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repositoryHi, I am currently trying to implement the scheduler functionality new to Version 0.2.0RC2. The problem I am having seems to be minor since I am not getting any errors, its just that the service is only taking a very ...
Kosmos Jira Authentication using SoapHi, We are trying to implement kosmos jira integration using soap. when we pass the url like http://?username=&password=; we are getting these errors 12:36:01,288 ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not create deployme...
SVN Portlet configurationHi again, Now I am configuring the subversion plugin, after reading the reference manual I have seen that is possible to access to secure subversion repositories. I am accessing to my repository in this way: portle...
Thread enable to open webdav chart on remote host....
enable to open webdav chart on remote host....Hello, I don't manage to display webdav graph on a remote host.... When i try to use kosmos portlet on the localhost evrything is ok. on a remote host everythings are displayed except the chart. I use a vm to lau...
Performance Advice?I've finally got Kosmos working managing my CruiseControl boxes and it looks terrific. However, it runs a bit slow. I'm running with JBoss4.02 AS and JBoss Portal 2 bundle. Anyone out with a couple of performance tip...
Scheduling Service UpdatesHello, I've browsed through the kosmos code and found out that cached values are updated every fixed time (10 minutes). To be accurate, after this time kosmos svn service updates if revision has changed. Jira service...
Jpivot portalHello, I try deploy JPivot Portlet in the JBoss Portal, when I ran build.xml for deploy the war files jpivot-portlet-1.4.0.war and jpivot-portlet-theme.war in JBoss the next compilation error turned up: symbol : cla...
Kosmos 0.2.0RC2 releasedKosmos 0.2.0RC2, open source project monitoring portlet suite developed at JBoss Labs, has been released. Its aim is to give you a quick and easy way to set up project monitoring portal pages. Version highlights are...
Thread kosmos server deployment on Liferay (JBoss/Tomcat)
kosmos server deployment on Liferay (JBoss/Tomcat)Hi, I am getting the following error when I deploy kosmos server on Liferay (running on JBoss/tomcat). I first jar the server files and drop the kosmos-server.jar package into jboss deployment directory. The server g...
SvnMonitoringPortlet monitored urlHi, I was looking at the documentation for kosmos. What if the monitored resource url for SVN repository uses SSL, so the URL has to be https://, and also if password contains wierd characters as in our case like '!'...
Thread kosmos 0.2.0RC1 doesn't work with CruiseControl
kosmos 0.2.0RC1 doesn't work with CruiseControlAnyone with luck getting the CCMonitorPorlet in Kosmos 0.2.0RC1 work with CruiseControl 2.3.1 or 2.4.0 or 2.4.1RC2, please share your experience. I just keep getting "[CcServiceImpl] Unable to scrape". Also, the Kosm...
Thread Kosmos 0.2.0RC1: open source project monitoring portlets, re
Kosmos 0.2.0RC1: open source project monitoring portlets, reKosmos 0.2.0RC1, open source project monitoring portlet suite developed at JBoss Labs, has been released. Its aim is to give you a quick and easy way to set up project dashboard portal pages. Version highlights are: ...
Problem when opening Kosmos portletI get the following error whenever I click on the Kosmos portlet. I've banged on this for awhile. Can anyone give me any advice? com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianRuntimeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException...
Jira PortletAfther reading the discussions and the Requests about the JIRA Portlet why are you not using the XML Interface to log in and get the necesary data instead of scraping the pages?