• Simple Man Guide to invoke an external web service (WSDL) using JBoss Developer Studio 9 and Fuse

    Hi all.   Consider myself as a newbie in this subject, first.   I'm trying to figure how can I use JBoss Developer Studio to invoke an external web service (i.e.  http://www.webservicex.net/country.as...
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    last modified by dnaranjor
  • MQ: Gateway, mq group, multiple brokers and consumers

    Hi, I need to share loads on consumers that consume from one queue - I wonder - is it possible to configure multiple standalone brokers(at least 2) belonging to one logical group and mq-gateway in front of it? Tha...
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    created by afilippov
  • Configuring my activeMQ instance to use Oracle DB for Persistence

    Hi,   I currently have an activeMQ broker that I'm running in a Fuse/Fabric container and it's working fine.  I'd like to set up my broker to use an Oracle DB to persist to, but I'm having trouble working o...
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    last modified by stephenwallen
  • Use discovery for separate broker

    Hi, Is it possible to use discovery not only for group but for a single broker in the group - e.g. discovery:(fabric:brokerGroup:brokerName)?
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    created by afilippov
  • RecipientList return error on the second call

    The recipientList get error code after the 2nd call; e.g   <!-- 1st call -->   <recipientList>      <simple>https://google.com</simple>   </recipientLi...
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    last modified by s.sairlao
  • JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 and RHEL 7.2 IdM Ldap authentication documentation

    There is documentation for using Apache Directory Studio to configure ApacheDS and then enabling ldap authentication in the OSGi container located at:-   https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_JBo...
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    last modified by daniel.remiker
  • How to use JBoss Fuse 6.3 in JBoss EAP

    I am curious to understand how to handle this case. If we use this on EAP platform how exactly is the SOAP and ReST ful webservices CONSUMERS be exposed! is that going to be the EAP responsibility and then the control...
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    created by sonyjop
  • Fuse and Red Hat Identity Management - no roles?

    Trying to get Fuse to authenticate against Red Hat Identity Management.  According to the logs, the LDAP binding happens just fine, but it always complains that the user doesn't have the right roles.  I've c...
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    last modified by jnojr
  • Call REST service from Apache Camel Blueprint

    I want to call external REST service that return a JSON, the REST itself have a basic authentication (which I don't know how to send a basic authentication), I've read some tutorial and also CXFRS component that lead ...
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    last modified by adakbar
  • Using our artifactory instead of the Fuse maven repo

    Hi,   I'm in Fuse 6.2.1.  I use Jenkins/Artifactory currently. I have a conceptual block in the intended workflow for deploying bundles into a fabric container.   So currently I have all my bundles ...
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    last modified by djbza1
  • JBoss Fuse : Fabric containers cannot provisioned

    I try to running old JBoss Fuse (6.0.0.redhat-024) server which installed some containers inside       [id]               ...
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    created by reuseman
  • How to add Fault Interceptors to SwitchYard application

    Hi everybody,   I'm currently using JBoss EAP 6.4.11 with FSW 6.3. I'm developing a SwitchYard application which, in case of a SOAP Fault, should augment the response message with some header properties.  ...
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    last modified by simon-lbank
  • Use folders in fabric8 profiles

    Hi! Could anybody tell if it is possible to use profile folders inside profile to group resources? When I try to do it folder just disappeared after profile refresh.. Thanks.
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    last modified by afilippov
  • package exposed via two dependency chains.

    Hi!   We have been working in  jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084 with camel version 2.15.1. I need use camel-protobuf 2.15.1 (uses protobuf-java 2.6.1) in the route to transform messages meanwhile the proto mess...
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    created by zozi76
  • JBoss Fuse - 6.3.0.redhat-187 - /hawtio-karaf-terminal - 404 ERROR

    Hi All,   Could not access http://localhost:8181/hawtio-karaf-terminal Please find the details below:   JBossFuse:karaf@root> web:list    ID   State     &#...
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    last modified by jaisha57
  • Which version of Red Hat JBoss Fuse ist available/supported by Openshift V3.x?

    I would like to know which version of Red Hat JBoss Fuse ist available/supported by Openshift V3.x? Thank
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    last modified by bate.mady
  • Camel route design

    Hello All,   I need some help in designing a scheduled route in blueprint. The overall requirement / flow in brief is as following,   1) The route is scheduled to run every 30 minutes 2) Invokes a stored ...
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    last modified by pravin.v.deshmukh
  • Using JBDS to generate a REST front end that drives a remote SOAP

    For a final implementation in Fabric8, I need to create a local REST front end that drives a remote SOAP endpoint Example remote service - I am using http://www.webservicex.net/airport.asmx?wsdl with the operation ge...
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    last modified by hpuri
  • Running JBoss Fuse 6.2 Server failing

    Hi   JDK Version -- 1.8.0_101 JBoss Developer Studio Version: 9.1.0.GA JBoss Fuse Version -- jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-133   I am trying to run JBoss Fuse 6.2 Server from JBoss Developer Studio  , but...
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    last modified by mchitti-1
  • Camel's Content Based Routing, how to do substring on body using simple language?

    Hi All,   I'm new to camel based application development. how can i do substring on body using sample language in camel routing? Let say I have message in activemq queue, named queue.data.raw. here is sample ...
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    last modified by mfatkhur