• Adding admin user

    Hi, I'm trying to add a user with username "admin" (without double quotes), but I get this error: A user with the specified username already exists. I checked the database and the only entry in the table rhq_princip...
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    last modified by aamonten
  • Many warns all the time

    Hi, Jon shows the following messages all the time for one of the servers monitored. Does anybody knows what is happening? * [09/25/2008 03:10:02 PM] Log Message (/var/log/jon/agent.log): 2008-09-25 15:10:00,375 WAR...
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    created by acastanheira2001
  • JBossAS JVM not showing in administration console

    I'm having an issue where I am not able to see my JVM within my JBossAS instances. I saw suggestions in the FAQ section of the documentation, but I am still unable to view my JVM. I am able to see the JVM within my RH...
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    last modified by cbynum
  • Cloning my JON installation

    I have a site configured with a JON server/DB and I have agents running all machines on this site. Alerts are configured in the JON administration console for my needs. I also have a remote site where I'd like to hav...
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    last modified by cbynum
  • email alert gives exception

    Hello, I have been trying to set up an alert with some conditions, and have defined an email address this alert should be sent to on meeting the condition. My condition is to send the alert if there are more than 40 ...
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    last modified by jagdeep
  • JBoss application startup exception

    Hello, 1)I have an eval version of JON setup on my local box. I have the server and agent running on the same box. 2) I have two simple web app configuration in JBoss, again JBoss 4.2.2GA and the apps are in the same ...
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    last modified by jagdeep
  • port 5446

    Hi, Is there a way to configure ports for JON? or a listing of ports JON uses? I have two apps which I start using the sample config file provided in Jboss. So I use the default port config for one app and 'ports-01'...
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    last modified by jagdeep
  • Unable to add JBOSSAS5.CR1 in the resources

    Hello, I'm sure of my JNP url. Iget this stack : close window org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.InvalidPluginConfigurationException: Failed to start component for resource Resource[id=500770, type=JBossAS Server, ...
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    last modified by omerlin
  • Tomcat Metrics in JON 2.x

    Are the same metrics that were available in JON 1.x, available in JON 2.x? Some of the things that I'm interested in are the following, which I'm having trouble finding... - Number of Requests Served - Sessions Creat...
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    last modified by cbynum
  • [JON 2.0.1] Run agent in background ?

    Hello, I just configured JON 2.0.1 server and agent on a dev machine. When I start the agent, it gives me the following output : jboss@hn469:/appli/jon-agent-2.0.1.GA/bin> ./rhq-agent.sh RHQ 1.0.1.GA (Fri Jun ...
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    last modified by skr3dii
  • control multiple JBoss instances?

    Apologize if this is the wrong place to post this, but I recently started reading on JON, and was wondering if this is used to manage mutplie instances of JBoss on linux / windows? Is this option used frequently in pr...
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    last modified by jagdeep
  • How to unregister an instance from jon server?

    Hi, I have created couple of different instances on jon server gui. Is there any way to remove some of the useless instance from jon server gui so that the gui looks clearer. thanks Benson
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • JON Server cannot monitor EAP instance with jmx-console auth

    Hi, I would like to monitor a EAP instance through the jon server. However, I got the error that fail to start the component of the EAP instance. And when I check the log file, there is a series of exception like : ...
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • Deploying Applications from JON 2.x console

    I have read through the documentation but could not find this, so please forgive me if this information is already out there and I have overlooked it. I saw a tutorial on how to do deploy web apps in JON 1.x, but the...
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    last modified by cbynum
  • Agent Not Picking Up JBoss AS Instance

    I am installing and configuring JON. I have run into a situation where an agent is running on a machine, and it is able to pull data from other resources, but can not connect to the JBoss AS instance. I have ensured t...
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    last modified by cbynum
  • How To Monitor My Ejb Applications

    i've downloaded jboss operation network triel version, also i watch demos, there was control tab, which is not visible into my JON Monitor. how i can monitor my ejb jar files with JON ?
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    last modified by grdzeli_kaci
  • 30 second metric collection interval

    Hi. Is there a way to configure the collection interval to less than 30 seconds? It seems like metrics cannot be configured to shorter collection interval. Is that correct? Kind regards Frank
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    last modified by fbrueseke
  • Accessing Custom MBeans in JBOSS ON Server

    I have JON agent, JON Server and a custom MBean Server running. The JON agent and custom MBean Server are using the same JRE. I want to see my MBeans on the JON Server web Administration console as a resource under my...
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    last modified by nsyed4
  • Operations Network 2.0-Inventory of a WAR within an EAR

    I'm having an issue where I can't seem to detect a WAR inside of an EAR for things like response time. Can someone shed some light on this for me? - other WAR's (the JMX console and the like) seem to be picked up fine...
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    last modified by gkrasovic
  • Postgres install confusion

    It should be explained that the "Create database" button will create a schema named 'rhq' and a role named 'rhqadmin.' These values are not configurable in the install screen. They are hard-coded values. Additionally...
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    last modified by jeffstoner