• Unable to monitor deployed web-application

    I am using JON 3.1.2( RHQ 4.4) on PostgreSQL 9.1. + JBoss-eap-6.0.1+Agent plugins ( rhq-jboss-as-7-plugin-4.4.0.JON312GA and my custom plugin) I have a custom plugin, by which I can monitor a standalone java applicat...
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    last modified by nandhakumar
  • Unable to monitor BRMS using jon-plugin-pack-brms-3.1.2.GA

    Hi,   I am using JON 3.1.2( RHQ 4.4) on PostgreSQL 9.1. + JBoss-eap-6.0.1+Agent plugins (jon-plugin-pack-brms-3.1.2.GA)   and executing BRMS Rules from inside Spring batch.   Deployment structure: &#...
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    last modified by nandhakumar
  • rhq-agent blacklists platform resources but does not re-discover them

    I am trying following configuration:   JON 3.1.2, rhq-enterprise-agent-4.4.0.JON312GA.jar RHEL6 machines EAP 6.1   Whenever agent starts, I can add RHEL6 m/c to inventroy but do not see, CPU,File syste...
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    created by poonamkamboj
  • Cannot get the Package History in a content of deployment.

    Hi.   From a Java client. i'm trying to get the InstalledPackageHistory of a Deployment Resource, with this 2 lines:   InstalledPackage pack = remoteClient.getContentManager().getBackingPackageForResource(...
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    last modified by guillo
  • monitoring an external resource

    Hi, Is it possible to monitor an external resource by making an http request to a given url? the target server isn't in my network so i connot add it as a resource (i connot install an agent on that server).
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    last modified by luigi.demasi
  • adding bash script as a metric

    It is possible to adding as a metric a bash script that return a number?   Many thanks in advance.   Luigi.
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    created by luigi.demasi
  • Where TEIID stores the query

    Hi,   I am new to TEIID, Can you guys please tell me when the tool converts the query to fire on database, where does it stores the query. I am using jboss 5.1.0.G.A.     Regards, Rishabh
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    created by rsagrawal
  • (org.rhq.plugins.jmx.JMXServerComponent)- Failed to connect to...

    I hope this is the correct place to ask but if not. Feel free to point me in the right direction.   I am using the Fuse ESB/AMQ/FMC products - which will be renamed to JBoss Fuse in a few weeks.   I have i...
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    last modified by garethahealy
  • configuring application server

    on command prompt it is getting "calling run.config.bat"  but the server is not starting when typed run.bat
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    created by avitejasri
  • RHQ Server and MySQL

    Hello   I already run my server working propertly. I've got an agent and y put it into my MySQL server, JBoss EAP, etc. It works great but whe I accomplish an auto discovery, my RHQ server doesnt recognize MySQL...
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    last modified by javim
  • JON 3.0.1 -  Jboss AS 5.1.2 EAP  cluster nodes startup service account instead of  'root'  account

    HI All,   We  have JON 3.0.1 -  Jboss AS 5.1.2 EAP, both JON and JBoss AS runnng with  service account   When ever I restart the  the nodes  through JON , the nodes are restarting...
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    created by babulreddy
  • JON causing errors in SOA-P server log

    I've set up JON 3.1 to monitor SOA-P V5.3.  JON sees the server ok, with everything showing up as available.   JON's Service Availability Refresh interval is set to 15 mins, and every 15 mins the SOA-P serv...
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    last modified by bmcd
  • Cannot set recover alert and disable when fired together

    My JON server is 3.1.  I'd like to have a pair of alerts as mutual toggle switches. When A fired, it will disable itself and enable B; When B fired, it will disable itself and enable A.  So to do it, in the ...
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    last modified by bruce.li
  • Cannot add a postgreSQL query as a metric

    I'd like to add a custom metric for the postgresql database. The idea is simple, I need to query the postgresql rhq event table to find the number of error and fatal events in last 5 mins.  Below is the query: &#...
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    last modified by bruce.li
  • Cannot sent mail notification to an email group

    I'd like to send email notification to a mail group. I added the mail group address to the address list However, the mail group never receive the email. Use none group email address works fine.   Any ideas? ...
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    last modified by bruce.li
  • Changing date display format in JON?

    JON displays dates in US format. Can this be changed to a different format, and how do I do it?   Thanks David
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    created by gilksd
  • Scripting Alert creation?

    Is there a way to script the creation of Alerts in JON?   David
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    last modified by gilksd
  • JON 3.0.1.GA JBoss5 Plugin Searching in the Wrong Directory

    I am seeing a bunch of traces in the agent log where the JBoss5 plugin can't find JBoss files, but it's looking in the agent home and not in JBoss home. What could I have done to cause this? The JBoss home and server ...
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    last modified by james.lopez
  • Cannot run CLI script - unable to allocate memory

    I am running a CLI script as the result of an alert notificaiton. My script invokes a bash shell script, which runs a Java application that I have custom built to take some precise actions when the alert is fired. ...
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    last modified by eeiswerth
  • Automatically import from discovery queue?

    I'm curious if it's possible to automatically import resources of a certain type from the JON server's discovery queue?  We have some auto-scaling configured and currently the hostnames/IPs change each time an in...
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    last modified by eeiswerth