• Creating "skinny" RichFaces WARs for JBoss AS 7

    The module system introduced with JBoss AS 7 means the application server no longer (by default) expose its internal libraries for applications to use. While on the one-hand this is great news for those aiming to writ...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Running RichFaces Application on OpenShift by Leandro de Godoy Fake

    OpenShift provides outstanding cloud hosting capabilities for both, development (OpenShift Express) and production sites (OpenShift Flex).   Overview Limitations Recommendations for Distribution L...
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    last modified by godoy
  • EL Exception, property not found exception at runtime

    Hi i m getting EL Exception, property not found excpetion, though i have method in my bean, dont understand why its failing to get property from the below method.     public void listener(FileUploadEvent eve...
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    last modified by laxman9
  • Maven CDK plugin configuration

    This is general way to use maven-cdk-plugin. Here is a snippet of CDK project pom.xml : <project> .......... <build>    <plugins>       <plugin>   ...
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    last modified by antoine_h
  • Change rich:select 's width

    I suppose there are some people like me, had puzzled with rich:selec's width setting for long time. I just solved it and share the way with you all. We don't need to create a class of css, let's just override the e...
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    last modified by feuyeux
  • RichFaces Mobile

    This wiki page will link to all things mobile we are doing with RichFaces.  If you are interested in Mobile, also be sure to check out the Aerogear Project, which is the hub for all things mobile at JBoss.  ...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • how can a filter expression to allow wild card (*) - Richfaces 4.0

    I am using filter expression in a datatable. I do know there are inbuilt function provided which says fn:containsIgnoreCase and fn:startWith. But my user would like to add a wild card to select what they want to filte...
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    last modified by pavna
  • ANNOUNCE:  A RichFaces Roundup - What's New With 4.2  by Brian Leathem

    I am pleased to announce a new article from Brian Leathem - A RichFaces Roundup - What's New With 4.2 . In this article, Brian discusses the latest developments in the RichFaces project. New components, mobile compa...
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    last modified by kito99
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Upgrading

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Playing with sandbox components

    Community members collaborate with the core developer team on prototyping new components in a git sandbox repository. This is like an incubation area for new components. Later, these components can then be included in...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Accepting multiple date formats in rich:calendar

    Hi, I had a problem in dealing with multiple date formats in richfaces calendar. In rich:calander component date format is required to accept a date in a particular pettern, but sometimes we may need to support mult...
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    last modified by sunilchaurha
  • RichFaces Jira Issue Lifecycle

    This guide documents the lifecycle of a jira issue for the Richfaces project.   Table of Contents:   Table of Contents: Important links Lifecycle of an issue Creation Assessment Sche...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Submitting effective issue reports

    Step 1: "Plug-in" to the Community Step 2: File an issue Other Important Considerations More Resources   Step 1: "Plug-in" to the Community  So you think you've found a bug with in the Rich...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Components migration - Rich Ordering Components

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Components migration - Rich Input Components

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Components migration - Rich Validation Components

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Components migration - Rich Miscellaneous Components

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Using RichFaces 4.2 push CDI for non-maven based projects

    hi there, I've posted lately this article about configuring RichFaces 4.1 CDI/Topic context push with non-maven based projects, this article is for applying the new changes for RF 4.2 push which is :   1-Topic ...
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    last modified by iabughosh
  • Using RichFaces 4.1 push (CDI/TopicContext) for non-maven based projects

    Dears,   RF team has added a new hot feature which is push with CDI, but I tried to use it and i faced a troublesome message (Topic 'my topic name' is not configured), my enviroment : -JBoss AS 6.0 final -JDK ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Use a4j:jsFunction to proxy the javascript

    In my development task, I want to use #{rich.component('some_comp_Id')} in my javascript code, but it's impossible to let js recognize it. So, I found a way to use a4j:jsFunction to do the proxy.   Suppose we h...
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    last modified by feuyeux