• Configure your RichFaces 4 project to use ANT and IVY for dependency management

    This article will help you get your project to use Apache ANT and Apache Ivy as your build/dependency manager tool. Just to clarify this is not an Apache ANT or Ivy tutorial, here you will only find the information ne...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • h:selectBooleanCheckbox and a4j:ajax

    Single sample:   <h:form>      <a4j:jsFunction name="click" render="flashText1">           <a4j:param name="eventName" assignTo="...
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    last modified by feuyeux
  • RichFaces JIRA | Voting for your issues

    The RichFaces issue tracker gives end users an effective means to report, and project developers to track, bugs and feature requests.  There are many indicators that come into play when we shedule issues into a r...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • How to work with RichFaces 4.x examples sources

    From the beggining 1) checkout examples sources from svn: examples/richfaces-showcase/ - contains main showcase application. examples/core-demo/ - main demo used during development.   2) Example applications s...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Components migration - Rich Panel/Output Components

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Components migration - Rich Iteration Components

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Common components changes

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Skinning

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • Getting started with RichFaces 4.x

    This article is a starting point for everybody interested in developing web applications with RichFaces 4.x. Here you will find links to articles on how to configure a project to work with RichFaces, IDE configuration...
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    last modified by juankprada
  • How to use RichFaces 4.0 with Google App Engine

    This document is going to cover the basics of using JSF 2.0 and more specifically RichFaces 4.0 on the Google App Engine (GAE) PaaS offering.  This will include general modifications needed for any JSF 2.0 applic...
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    last modified by petersong
  • RichFaces Migration Guide. 3.3.x - 4.x Migration - Components migration - Rich Drag'n'Drop Components

    IMPORTANTThat document is under continous development. It's published in order you to have the fastest access to all the new info posted there even considering that document itself will be extended more in the same ti...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • a4j:mediaOutput and large objects as value

    As you know from tld documentation of media output for value attribute:     IMPORTANT: Since serialized data stored in URI, avoid using big objects"   But in real applications data objects for output ...
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    last modified by mattball
  • RichFaces KnowledgeBase

        This document contains links to the articles created by RichFaces team and the community. It could be extremely usefull in order to get more detailed information on components and features usage tha...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • How to get filtered data from table to List

    From original thread: Hi All,   I have a problem. I have a rich:extendedDataTable and i need to send the filtered datas to one List (this List will be used in a Report). Can help me please? I have no idea to do...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • How to highlight the dropzone when it is draged over

    And correction to topic. to highlight only when acceptable drag hovers the drop zone.   The feature is missed out of the box but I created simple sample of how that could be done. Just modified rf-demo page to: ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • How To Configure Maven For RichFaces

    1) Download and install Maven. Follow the instruction at http://maven.apache.org/download.html 2) JBoss repository have moved to a Nexus server, and you should follow the instructions in the page Maven repository ...
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    last modified by seanrogers
  • RichFaces CDK faces-config extensions

    The RichFaces CDK extension elements have namespache http://richfaces.org/cdk/extensions and its default prefix is 'cdk:'. These extensions defined in the appropriate XML schema ( not included with ALPHA1 release ). I...
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    last modified by alexsmirnov
  • Richfaces component development: client side code template

    The goal of that document is to provide points to standartize RichFaces client side component development.   It includes: Template of javascript file for RichFaces component How to create instance of component...
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    last modified by pyaschenko
  • RichFaces-Selenium Testing Framework

    Project Info  Type: Maven Source code: http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/qa/richfaces-selenium/ Repository: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/ Issue Tracking: http://jira.jboss.org/jira/bro...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • RichFaces-Selenium Library

    This wiki talks about internal of richfaces-selenium library. You can easily see how it makes development of AJAX test cases using Selenium more developer friendly, more type safe and more stable while running same te...
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    last modified by lfryc