• Less4j vs. wro4j

    In the RichFaces Bootstap Sandbox project we are currently using the wro4j project to compile our LESS code into CSS during our maven build.  An alternative approach has recently become available as the less4j pr...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Epics have landed in JBoss Greenhopper/Jira

    Hello all,   With the recent upgrade to Greenhopper 6.1, epics have graduated out of the Greenhopper labs to a full-fledged feature.  Details on using epics are available here: https://confluence.atlassian...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces 4.3.1 issues assigned

    Hello all,   I've assigned issues for the RichFaces 4.3.1, and defined some sprints: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=221&view=planning   Please review and let me if there are...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Select box ideas and discussion

    This page has some great idea/discussion about single/multi slect design and behaviour: http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/   I particulalry like the multi-select implementation, the way selected items appear a...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces namespace(s)

    Hi all,   There is currently two namespaces for RichFaces : xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich" xmlns:a4j="http://richfaces.org/a4j"   Don't ask me why, I have no idea, probably a long and old story b...
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    last modified by paul.dijou
  • tabPanel

    Hi, How to change the tabPanel default styleClass. please some one provide me with an example. thanks in advance.
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    last modified by kristein_s
  • jQueryPlugin component

    Hello Community!   I've just created a new component that helps you load jQuery plugins and avoid conflicts with RF built-in jQuery. Current implementation is for RF 3.3.4-SNAPSHOT. Soon I will migrate it to 4.0...
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    last modified by blabno
  • Starting release process for 4.3.0.M3

    The release process for 4.3.0.M3 is about to begin. Further commits into develop branch will not be considered in release.
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    created by lfryc
  • Roadmap and Planning for RichFaces 4.3 and beyond

    With our 4.1.0.Final release at hand, it’s time to discuss what we want to do with RichFaces 4.2, and beyond.  4.1 addressed rounding out the 4.0 effort of migrating the 3.x component set to JSF 2 (and also...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Naming conventions for Arquillian profiles

    Hi,   there are differences in naming conventions in "fundamental tests" and Metamer tests.   Fundamental tests contain following two profiles: container-jbossas-managed-7 (7.1.1.Final) container-jbossas...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • FocusManager proposition

    Hello, I haven't found any component in Richfaces that would put focus on some element on page load. Here is my proposition. Let's make rich:focus tag with "priority" attribute. Default priority would be position of...
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    last modified by blabno
  • Proposed API changes for the schedule component

    We are hoping to include the RichFaces Sandbox schedule component in RichFaces 4.3.  To this end, I've taken a close look at the component, and have been tracking suggested changes via the RFXBOX jira issue: RFSB...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RF 4.2 resource optimization and custom skins

    Dears, when i enable resourceOptimization with blueSky skin everything is fine, i defined a custom skin (myskin.skin.properties) and its content: baseSkin=blueSky   if i use myskin instead of blueSky in my web...
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    last modified by iabughosh
  • Start release process for 4.3.0.M2

    Release process just started - further commits won't be included in M2 release.
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    created by lfryc
  • Timestamps on Milestone releases

    We are tossing around the idea of dropping the timestamp from the milestone release versions, as they are cumbersome, and are of questionable value.  The version scheme for JBoss Projects is laid out here: https...
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    created by bleathem
  • Sandbox components to include in RF 4.3.0.M2

    We are looking to include some of the Sandbox components developed by Bernard Labno in RichFaces 4.3.0.M2.  This was discussed at a recent community meeting, and Bernard summarized the components as follows: ...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Richfaces 5, migration path

    Hello,   We're just migrating from RF 3.x to RF 4.x in my company. The process is not trivial.   I just looked at the comment on https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11453. Apparently RF next-gen component ...
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    last modified by gonzalad
  • Summary of JSF and RichFaces Testing Efforts

    In the RichFaces team, we are strong believers in testing approaches, which can be seen with our test suite written using jsf-test framework and with our outstanding functional tests suite written in Ajocado/Selenium....
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Sematics components naming conventions

    Hi guys,   we have been using naming convention for semantic components as <prefix>Facet so far, but I don't consider this convention as fortunate.   ----   In case of semantic components whic...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • DOM cleanup of RichFaces Bootstrap components

    As per RFSBOX-47, during the DOM cleanup in richfaces.js I've fired a cleanup event that is listened to by the body.  The body in turn fires a cleanDom event that is listened to by each of the Bootstrap component...
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    last modified by bleathem