• Documentation for RichWidgets

    As we have identified a need for documentation, I believe the final solution shouldn't add us too much cycles needed for documentation a code for usage,   so the documentation should be rather generated.  ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • RichFaces 4.3.4 development started

    I've setup the rapid board for RichFaces 4.3.4, and defined some sprints: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=221   Some untracked issues: Do we need to update JSF API/IMPL?  We need...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces 4.X Release Testing Process

    Every RichFaces 4.x release is tested both automatically (i.e. Jenkins runs Selenium test suite) and manually in chosen web browsers. All release Jenkins jobs can be found in RF-Rel tab on Jenkins.   Nexus Inform...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • workaround for multipleUpload capability in <rich:fileUpload>

    Hi folks, i'm working to migration project of a web application from Richfaces 3.xx to Richfaces 4.x (4.3.1.Final) and I need the multiple upload feature that it is not supported in RichFaces 4.3.1.Final as I can s...
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    last modified by simone.83
  • RichFaces docs - development vs. publishing

    This post is a follow up to our conversation at this morning's team meeting re lukindo's contribution of chart component docs.   The html generated by the ruby Asciidoctor build using "bundle exec guard start" i...
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    created by bleathem
  • RF-12952: Favor Props interfaces over attrs.xml -- ready for review and testing

    Hi guys, I've linked a pull request to my personal github repository (so we don't pollute the richfaces pull requests) for issue RF-12952.   This is a pretty significant re-factoring, but all functionality shoul...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Sandbox master becoming 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    Sandbox is following versioning of main branches,   we are going to switch to 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT in upcoming days.   If you have any objections, let me know.
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Starting release process for 4.3.4

    The release process for 4.3.4 is about to begin. Further commits into develop branch will not be considered in release.
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Page Fragments refactoring

    Hello guys, me and Jirka are working on Page Fragments refactoring. We have started with Accordion and Autocomplete page fragments. We would like to know your opinions on some things, to be sure that we can continue i...
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    last modified by jhuska
  • RichFaces Team Meeting re-scheduled

    We re-scheduled today's team meeting (2013-08-14) for tomorrow (2013-08-15) due to some schedule conflicts.
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    created by bleathem
  • Metamer

    Metamer is testing application and test suite which covers all of RichFaces 4 components and it is able to display them in different skins and also different component containers (called templates - tables, tooltip, e...
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    last modified by jhuska
  • Richfaces chart component

    Hello all,     I’ve been working on a JSF chart plotting component. There is a blog which introduces the component https://blog-lukasmacko.rhcloud.com/2013/04/22/the-jsf-chart-plotting-component/. ...
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    last modified by lukindo
  • Testing DOM (HTML markup) generated by Widgets

    When covering the widget code by tests, we need to test a generated DOM, that it has intended structure.   I was curious how others do that and for example jQuery UI does care just about checking that there are ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Opened a branch for Components 4.5.x (space for contributions to 4.x)

    I have opened a branch 4.5.x: https://github.com/richfaces4/components/tree/4.5.x   This branch is compiled against Build/Core version 4.3.3, but it generates 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT.   Why?   Two reasons: ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Moving page fragments from richfaces-qa repository

    Hi,   as we agreed some time ago, we'd like to move all existing page fragments for RichFaces components from the QA repository [1] to the framework repository so that they are released together with framework. ...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • web calendar

    Hi all I might start doing a richfaces component similar to google calendar, as in my work we need something similar and also for learning. Does anyone did something like that? tips are welcome thanks in advance
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    last modified by alfrice
  • GitHub releases

    See: https://github.com/blog/1547-release-your-software   Something useful for RichFaces releases (>= 5)?  RichFaces Widgets releases?   Brian
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2 Sprint planning

    In reviewing the RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2 backlog: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=331&view=planning&quickFilter=1081   Are RF-12909 and RF-12894 still relevant?
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    last modified by bleathem
  • RichFaces 3.3.X Release Procedure

    This document describes how RichFaces release builds are made. It consists of two parts: environment setup and build process itself.   Note for community: there's no need to follow this procedure in order to buil...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • RichFaces 5.0 skinning user stories

    With RichFaces 5.0 we are moving to a skinning/theme mechanism backed by Bootstrap and LESS.  In this page we would like to capture use cases of how the RichFaces community would like to use the skinning/theme me...
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    last modified by bleathem