• SwitchYard is missing in Runtime Operations menu. JBOSS EAP 6.1.

    Hello everyone!   I installed SwitchYard 1.0 on Jboss 7.2.0.Final. Also I installed Switchyard Forge Module & BPEL Console and started Jboss, but I don't see SwitchYard option in Runtime Operations menu. Tr...
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    last modified by tenzor
  • SY 1.1 has missing dependencies. SY2.0 has not support for Wildfly 8.2x

    Hi   Currently we are using SY 1.1 on Jboss 7.1.x.   However, when I build on a clean m2 cache I get the following: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project rhythm: Could not resolve dependencies for pro...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Switchyard license & usage

    Hello!      I've found that SwitchYard is on Apache License 2.0, but is there any purchases or support subscriptions we need to do to use switchyard in production? Is there any limitations on usage? &...
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    last modified by pronchakov
  • Has Forge support in Switchyard ended?

    In the SwitchYard installation guide (which is arguably one of the first things a newcomer will come across when planning to install and try out SwitchYard) under the Installing Extras section, there's a mention of ru...
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    last modified by willimur
  • MSC service thread 1-3) *sys-package-mgr*:

    Hi,   I am receiving an error on EAP when  bpm modules are loaded:     MSC service thread 1-3) *sys-package-mgr*: 15:52:18,283 ERROR [stderr] (MSC service thread 1-13) *sys-package-mgr*: processin...
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    last modified by virchete
  • Can't Build Project when install Switchyard tools for eclipse

    When I import a project, I am able to use the Maven ->Update Project.. However, after I install the Jboss Integration Stack I get this error when I build the project:   Errors occurred during the build. Err...
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    last modified by jlsilva10
  • Exception delivery to a consumer component

    How to get an exception raised by one component (provider) to be delivered to another component (consumer of the service)? I see that exception is intercepted and logged by SY but it is not delivered to the component...
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    last modified by ozkin
  • pass context properties to camel route

    I have a simple switchyard application. input from a file to a bean component to a camel route.  i would like the bean to be able to set a property which can be read by the camel route. sort of like a session pro...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • scatter gather dynamic recipients

    i would like to implement scatter/gather functionality.  i want to be able to dynamically increase/decrease the systems i scatter to/gather from.  for instance, say i'm doing insurance quotes, i want to send...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while creating Java Files from WSDL

    Hi,   I am trying to create java files from an existing WSDL in switchard and getting the exception : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException   Steps: I created a switchyard project in JBDS and placed...
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    last modified by amit4497
  • Quickstarts installation failed in SY 2.0.0.CR1

    Hi all,   I decided to install quickstarts for SY 2.0.0.CR1 + Wildfly-8.0.0.Final following the instruction in https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SWITCHYARD/Quickstarts but something went wrong with:   ...
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    last modified by manuel.bassani
  • SY2.0 release date?

    Hello   Is Switchyard 2.0 going to be released soon? It seems to be taking a very long time.   And I see Keith is now working on another project. Does this mean he is no longer involved in Switchyard, or ...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Switchyard Reference with Multiple JMS Bindings: How to Endpoint it

    Howdy!     Using ye ol venerable and most excellent switchyard-quickstart-rules-camel-cdr and setting up a Routing Drools rule to access a reference service of type JMS which has 2+ defined binding gateways...
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    last modified by jdmarti1_rc
  • Switchyard jpa binding

    Hi everyone,   i'm just starting with Switchyard, so i have a question. I am trying to work with database using JPA binding. I found an example, where is how to store data to database, but I can't find a way how...
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    last modified by rubespe
  • switchyard openshift guide

    i'm looking for a quick start to deploy a switchyard app to an openshift gear.  the information i've found is very dated; using sy version 0.7.  sy 1.0 only supports eap and the eap gear has a fee.  sy ...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • remote sca binding for component

    does switchyard support a distributed sca domain concept? something similar to what tuscany describes here? http://tuscany.apache.org/distributed-sca-domain.html   if so, a quickstart on how to do this would...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • Hints needed regard SwitchYard Tools installation

    Hi all,   I’ve planned to install SwitchYard 2.0.0.CR1 on top of WildFly 8.1 Final (fresh installation) And of course I’ll need to install Switchyard Tools with a new Eclipse but I’m having so...
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    last modified by manuel.bassani
  • SwitchYard RESTEasy Binding with multiple Get Parameters (Strings)

    SwitchYard has a helpful RESTEasy binding which allows you to map a RESTFul implementation (RESTEasy) to a SwitchYard service. The RESTEasy Resource Interface is simply annotated with JAX-RS annotations, and is regist...
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    last modified by yusufb
  • SwitchYard Remote Transaction Propagation - Simple Question

    Hi,   I'd like to know if it's possible to sinchronize in a remote SwitchYard client transaction (UserTransaction) started on JBoss EAP 6, with two distinct SCA invocations like a single transaction. The image ...
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    last modified by bsl.lacerda
  • Service domain name in Switchyard clustering

    I have a cluster of three nodes. node 1 invokes service1 present on both node2 and node3. All the three nodes are running in standalone mode. ( roundrobin strategy) I am getting following exception SWITCHYARD03960...
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    last modified by bhaskarsk