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Jave EE in the Cloud


Over the next two months Shane Johnson will be writing a series of articles describing how Java EE applications can be developed and deployed into the Cloud.  In his first article Shane focusses on the OpenShift architecture, discusses the different communication requirements of application servers in the OpenShift environment compared to those within a traditional middleware configuration, introduces the concept of Gears and how they relate to the virtualisation employed by OpenShift and finally lists some of the components and topologies that can be used within OpenShift deployments.


Audit Logging with WildFly


Kabir Khan has written two very interesting articles describing how to configure audit logging for WildFly 8.0.0.Alpha4.


In his first article, Kabir describes how to set up secure Audit Logging to a remote rsyslog daemon.  While this is an advanced configuration for the WildFly audit logging, Kabir takes us through the process step by step and covers the creation of the Certificate Authority which is used to self sign the certificates for TLS, how to configure the WildFly Audit Logging to use TLS as its transport and finally how to configure rsyslogd to recognise the client certificates issued by your new Certificate Authority.  If this article sounds too daunting then you may also want to check out his second article where he describes a simpler example, showing how to enable the WildFly Audit Logging to log entries into a file before going on to show how to add the syslog handler to enable logging to a local syslog daemon.


Upcoming Events


On Wednesday 28th August there will be two BRMS events taking place in Dublin, one in the morning and the second in the evening.  These events are free however spaces are limited.  If you are interested in attending either event then make sure to check Mark's post for details of how to register.


Eric Schabell will be presenting once again at this year's GOTO Aarhus conference.  His session will be taking place on Monday 30th September, from 13:20 to 14:10, and is entitled OpenShift Primer - Cloud development has never been easier.


New Releases



That is all for this week, please check back next week for more updates from the JBoss Communities.

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