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It can't have gone unnoticed that Summit and DevNation are getting closer.

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If you haven't registered yet then there's still time! Check out the agendas and you'll see that we've got some great sessions, and Arun outlines a few. And some of those sessions are influenced by, or directly related to, the things going on this week in JBoss. For instance, the HornetQ team has announced integration with Vert.x; you can read up on the latest around JDG, comparing it with Coherence; and Geoffrey has some interesting things to say about MapReduce and OptaPlanner. But one of the most important topics next month is around the new BPMS Platform, which is reflected in the video that Kris and Prakash gave, and Eric also has a nice writeup and demo video. And of course it'll be in a Cloud near you soon!


Elsewhere we've had a couple of Hibernate releases (4.3.4.Final and 4.2.10.Final) and Validator, Arquillian Jacoco 1.0.0 Alpha 6 and Drone 1.2.4.Final, and other projects you should check out. Christian has also written a nice article on Errai Data Sync.


As well as releasing BPMS Platform, Kris has also got some GSoC projects, which he's written about.



And finally, Arun has done something everyone should be interested in (at least if you believe my 11 year old son!) Minecraft on OpenShift!



OK that's it for this week. A lot going on and I'm sure much more to come next week!

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