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Screenshot.pngThis week in JBoss has pretty much found us all in full Summer swing.


Some of you will be reading this only after returning from your summer vacations, others are tidying up their desks and getting ready to head out the door. Let this be the last news item you read before heading off to enjoy some quality downtime while trying to stay cool.


With that I want to introduce you to another developer...


Developer in the Wild


This week I wanted to introduce you to a developer I had to travel far out into the wilds of eastern Europe to find, Maciej Swiderski. He is a shy creature by nature and we met up in Krakow, Poland where he lives to work together on some demo magic that will be coming soon around document integration into BPM workflows.


He works hard on various aspects of the jBPM project, is a lot of fun to chat with, and knows where to find all the heaviest foods Poland has to offer.



Some of the events you might want to take part in are listed here.


Blogs / Articles

The following articles were collected for your enjoyment:


Did you know that the Development of Hybrid Tools is now part of the Eclipse Foundation? Well it is, check it out, that is going to accelerate adoption don't you think?


Have you take a look at Circuit yet? It is a uni-directional data flow model for GWT applications that you might find helpful when working in your next Java GUI framework project.


Our sky diving guru Rich has take a critical look at Restful API modeling language, always providing us with the latest sharp analysis of all things technical.


Another JEE tech tip (#38) is on display where Batch Addon is done for JBoss Forge and JEE tech tip (#39) introducing Docker.


Here are some fun stats and facts presented by the JBoss Tools team on WildFly and Luna.


Are you ready to be that JBoss Rock Star you always dreamed of? Well now you can with a repeatable setup for the JBoss Keynote Demo from Red Hat Summit 2014, just spin it up and wow your friends and family in minutes.


Have you always been a bit mystified by the myriad of ActiveMQ connectors? Well now you can fix that, so take a few minutes to sort them out with Jakob.


Building on last weeks part I, we continue with part II of BRMS deployment architectures.


You can participate in shaping the future of WildFly with this call for help, where you can provide input to how the web console will look.



This weeks list of new project releases, enjoy!

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