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Screenshot.pngThis week in JBoss is like getting that extra thick Sunday edition of the newspaper.


It is full a not just a weeks worth of JBoss news, but has piled up over two weeks worth of fantastic community activities, events and articles for you!


Developer in the Wild

This week I have a surprise developer that is not often seen roaming outside of his natural environment. He is a newer contributor to JBoss technologies but has been a long time contributor to Apache projects and is famous for his work on Camel projects.


He was interviewed in detail this last week, so here is Claus Ibsen!


Screen Shot 2014-08-30 at 13.32.25.png



Some of the events you might want to take part in are listed here.


Blogs / Articles

The following articles were collected for your enjoyment:



Find out how you can edit Switchyard configuration files as provided by the official documentation. On top of this there is a new integration demo that is showcasing some of the possibilities when using JBoss BPM Suite with JBoss FSW, including a video tour in setting it up and governing your BPM artifacts with FSW S-RAMP and DTGov (design time governance) tooling.



A cross post on integrating Infinispan as a caching solution in your web apps. There were more posts in the coming Hot Rod Remote Events functionality by the Infinispan team, this one showing how to receive events. Also here is a wicked cool article describing how to integrate Infinispan with Apache Camel to ensure your messages are not processes twice in a cluster. If you are worried about cluster failures, check out this article on partitioned clusters with Infinispan.



Here is a short overview of the new in-memory scheduler coming in the next release of ActiveMQ.



Excellent story around how to use EAP in a continuous delivery environment, followed by Thomas's view on continuous delivery and devops. Also a new tech tip is available around using WildFly, configuration tips, a camping success story, one on compiling, using Openshift and another showcasing the older java 6 demo around Ticket Monster.


Drools / jBPM

It might have escaped your attention, but the various Drools project mailing lists have been moved, find out where in their article. Also this week a flexible example set was published that now works with the latest releases of the Drools projects and the JBoss BRMS products as they can be integrated into the Fuse products. Finally, part four of the Drools series on Bayesian Belief Network Integration is out. There is also an ultimate starter kit published for both JBoss BRMS and JBoss BPM Suite products. Mark Proctor describes the background on making the Drools project pluggable for a Bayesian system.



A call for action by the RHQ team, if you could provide feedback on alert definition templates here.



This weeks list of new project releases, enjoy!

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