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cold_but_beautiful.jpgThe weather isn't exactly changing. Still chilly and cold almost everywhere. Looking at the posts from the technical marketing managers traveling the east cost these days leaves your with a scary feeling that this will never turn into summer again. But I think, life goes on and it is my pleasure to heat you up with all the exciting new developments during another week in JBoss. The last week in February wraps up an amazing month of many new releases and blog posts.


Microservices - one persons "micro" could easily be another's "macro".

VP of Engineering marklittle did a blog post and a supporting interview with InfoQ about this topic. He lays out his thoughts on microservices and how they should relate to SOA and other approaches which have gone before.


Continous Delivery and DevOps

Arun continued his latest series around this with a couple of new blog posts which are really helpful to get you up to speed with tips and tricks together with Java EE:

Build Binaries Only Once for Continuous Deployment

Setup Local Nexus Repository and Deploying WAR File from Maven (Tech Tip #74)


Various Topics

JBoss bloggers have been hard at work to cover even more topics. Selected picks from this week are:

How to configure Geb/Spock with Gradle

How fast is logging?

Tips for Effective Session Submissions at Technology Conferences

Business Resource Planner Online Workshop (Lab 1 & 2)

JBoss Forge NetBeans integration - Getting Started

Plug in Policies Into JBoss Apiman


Webinars and Other Online Resources

Most important webinar of this week was about Learn how to build enterprise java apps in the cloud and was held by Thomas Qvarnström (@tquarnst). Make sure to check out the events page on and also the events area for middleware to stay up to date with latest offering. Another one titled "How to excite the travel industry with a BPM story" was given by Eric (@ericschabell). He was also giving a session at the Virtual JBoss User Group on Hit the ground running with BPM — a starters kit.




New Releases

Arquillian Cube Extension 1.0.0.Alpha4

Infinispan 7.2.0.Alpha1

Weld 3.0.0.Alpha5

Hibernate Validator 5.2.0.Beta1

JBoss Tools Alpha1 for Eclipse Mars


Follow the Virtual JBoss User Group (@vjbug) for even more content and make sure to sign up for the meetup group.

That's all for this week. Enjoy your weekend and join us again here for next weeks edition.

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