This Week in JBoss (2016-05-19): Travels, Releases, and Blogs — Oh My!
Posted by lightguard May 19, 2016Welcome back everyone to another week at JBoss! As always some amazing work has happened this past week. We have a couple of blog and video updates, releases and upcoming conferences!
Our talented engineers have busily been turning caffeine into software with the end results being five new releases!
- Forge 3.2.0 - This release features command inheritance, a Roaster upgrade and support for custom JPA @Id and @Version names
- Hibernate OGM 5.0.0.Final - You can now use Redis (tech Preview), MongoDB Driver 3, Cassandra 2.2 new data types, Infinispan 8 and
events are now supported. Great work team! - Byteman 3.0.6 - This release will be a stepping stone for 3.0.7 useful for those running Hawklar BTM.
- Infinispan 9.0.0.Alpha2 (and 8.2.2.Final) - Not to be out done, the Infinispan team cranked out two releases this week! 8.2.2.Final fixes 57 issues. The new Alpha release of 9.0.0 fixes 138 issues and includes support for JDBC cache stores using upsert (a long awaited for issue), SNI support for HotRod, and Lucene query caching, as well as others.
The Hibernate group is participating in a Q&A event in London on May 24th. See Meetup for more information. June 16-18 is JBCNConf in Barcelona! Drools and jBPM will be there showcasing Drools with a hands on session and jBPM in a "Knowledge Driven Microservices" presentation. Of course Red Hat Summit and DevNation are getting closer and you can expect to see more news about these as the events draw closer.
To finish us out this week Eric Schabell and Christina Lin have been hard at work completing more in their blog series about Fuse, OpenShift and Red Hat Cloud Suite! Read up on these series below:
- Painless Containerized JBoss Generic Loan Processing on OpenShift
- Red Hat JBoss Fuse - Healthcare integration demo Part Three
- Red Hat Cloud Suite - Accelerating Service Delivery