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Welcome to this new weekly Editorial.  As DevNation2016 gets closer we take a break to take you on another spin through some of the events, announces, releases that are going on within the  JBoss Communities and beyond.


Keycloak 2.0.0 - The maturity path

The launch of the Keycloak 2.0.0 release not only corresponds to new lines of code, bugs fixings or publications but as announced by Stian Thorgersen to a new story for the project itself as a new brand Web site has been designed,

new features will be implemented within the next releases, etc ...

One of the core new feature proposed by this release is the "Authorization service" which allows to centrally define and manage fine-grained permissions for the services :

- Resource protection using fine-grained authorization policies and different access control mechanisms

- Centralized Resource, Permission and Policy Management

- Centralized Policy Decision Point

- REST security based on a set of REST-based Authorization Services

- Authorization Workflows and User-Managed Access

- The necessary means to avoid code replication across projects(and redeploys) and quickly adapt to changes in your security requirements


Eclipse Neon


The Eclipse Foundation on June 22 announced the availability of its Neon release, the eleventh annual coordinated release train of open-source projects from the Eclipse community.

The Neon release includes 84 Eclipse projects where we have participated consisting of more than 69 million lines of code, with contributions by 779 developers, 331 of whom are Eclipse committers. Last year's release train, the Mars release, had 79 projects. While it is not possible to present all the new features, we can nevertheless highlight these points reported :


- Usability & performance of the Javascript Tooling has been improved like its integration with Grunt, Gulp frameworks & Chromium V8 Debugger

- Improvements and resurrection of Eclipse JavaScript tooling and the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) to make Eclipse run more smoothly on more recent platforms as stated by Max Rydahl Andersen

- New JSon Editor

- Updated PHP Development Tools Package (PDT)

- Improved support for Docker Tooling

- Introduces the Eclipse User Storage Service (USS) that enables projects to store and retrieve user data and preferences from Eclipse servers

- New projects/plugins supporting Gerrit (EGerrit), Gradle (Buildship), Paho (Internet of Thing), Android Tooling

Oxygen, which is what the twelfth Eclipse release train will be named, is scheduled for release in June 2017


Fresh news


- jBPM Book

One of the most exciting announce of this week concerns the launch by Manning editor

of the Early Access Program about the Eric Schabell's book

Effective Business Process Management with jBPM

This book will certainly help the business process managers to better leverage the jBPM technology

and will help the jBPM project to accelerate its adoption as major Middleware technology part of the   Enterprise Architecture.


- Future of Apiman


As Red Hat has announced the acquisition of the Api Management Saas 3Scale vendor this week,

the Apiman Project Leader's Eric Wittman has decided to speak about the future of Apiman Project, the challenges that we have

to tackle in order to make Apiman & 3Scale stronger, make proprietary technology OpenSource and reenforce our positon on

the Api Management market.

Apiman's project is not dead at all and many new opportunities will arise from the merging of both projects

    apiman.png + 3scale.png

- Hystrix as Circuit Breaker

Bilgin Ibryam, within his blog about "Create Resilient Camel applications with Hystrix DSL" details how the NetFlix Hystrix technology

supports the Circuit Breaker pattern. This new EIP pattern enriches the collection already proposed by the Java Integration Framework

Apache Camel.

It is important to notice that the Hystrix library implements more than the Circuit Breaker pattern as it also does bulkheading, request caching,

timeouts, request collapsing, etc.

To be complete, the Circuit Breaker Pattern and Hystrix are not suffisent to design a distributed application where it will be required to

combine additional Camel patterns like the Throttler, Delayer, ... & good practices toi handle correctly the Exceptions, Timeout, ...




Conferences, Events

Don't miss these incoming events where our fabulous coders will talk about :

- DevOps, OpenShift, Drools, Fabric8, Camel, IoT, Hibernate, WildFly Swarm, Microservices, Reactive, Security - June 26-29, San Francisco, USA -

- Linux Conferences - August 22-24, Toronto, Ontario -


Releases, release, releases ....



I hope this week's editorial has provided you with something of interest, please join us again next week when we will bring you more news from JBoss and the JBoss Communities.

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