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Now that Red Hat Summit and DevNation are complete, and the summer months are upon us (in some regions of the world anyway); it's common for many in the JBoss community to take some well-earned rest. However, looking at this week's editorial might make this hard to believe.


The Hawkular team have been busy this week publishing five blog posts on a variety of topics. John Mazzitelli shows us how to collect data from JMX MBean Servers and Prometheus end-points for storing in Hawkular. Heiko Rupp also has a couple of posts. The first describes how to get started with ManageIQ and Hawkular. The second introduces HawkFX, a personal project he has been working on, which makes it easier to explore data stored in Hawkular. Finally, Gary Brown describes how to use the Hawkular APM project to monitor an application running within Openshift.


The JSR process for Bean Validation 2.0 is beginning. Gunnar Morling talks about what's planned in this version and gives an update on its progress in the JCP. Christian Posta continues his series about microservices implementations. In this post he focuses on handling data. Finally, Stian Thorgersen shows us how to load Keycloak customizations (Providers & Themes) from a Maven repository. This feature is useful for development, but also makes it easy to distribute and standardise on a common version.


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