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It's that time of the week again, when we report on the latest happenings in the JBoss community. Read on for the highlights from this week's blog posts and releases.


Experience the Potential of JBoss Private Cloud

This week Eric Schabell announced his tour of UK user groups. Eric will be presenting in London and Edinburgh, talking about Red Hat's Cloud Suite technologies as they relate to application developers.


JBoss BPM and BRMS update

This month we have several updates from the JBoss BRMS and BPMS teams. Mark Proctor shares the roadmap for BPMS and BRMS 7.0. In this release the focus is around the usability of the user interface. Also, if you are keen to get started with JBoss JBPM, Eric Schabell has you covered with his getting started tutorial.


Buffers in Node.js

In this post, Lucas Holmquist continues his exploration of the Node core modules. This time he turns his attention to Buffers, in particular highlighting key differences in the Node.js v6 release.



As usual we have a significant number of releases to report:


If this summer period gavves many projects of the JBoss community to produced interesting content and releases new version, the summer heat has certainly hit hard our editorial staff, and we - all our apologies for that, skip last week's entry. But, rest assure, this one will cover as much as possible what happened in the last two weeks, to be sure to bring you up to date on all fronts !

Infinispan and beyond




The last two weeks have certainly seen a lot of action around the Infinspan project. First, but not the least, a new release of the project, Infinispan 9.0.0.Alpha4, taking it very close to a final release of the 9.0.0 branch, but also releases of couple of very powerfull integrations. First is the new release of the Infinispan's MongoDB Cache Store which allow to use MongoDB to store (and restore) data from the grid, but even more exciting is the Infinispan Spark Connector

of which a new 0.4 version has been released.

On top of all of that, there is this very good article on how to Run Infinispan cluster on OpenShift ! In short, if you have not yet played with Infinispan and its ecosystem, it's perfect time to take a look at it !


Tech Bytes

Different flavors


If you are bored with Java, and crave for something else, this week brought a set of interesting articles to quench your thirst. First is on Ceylon Bootstrap which kindly take your throught all the steps to set up and Ceylon on your laptop and swiftly give it a go. For the more adventurous, an other article covers how to use Vert.x agent inventory implementation within Hawkular. At last, but not the lest, if you are interest in Node.js, the following entry explore Node Core Modules.


Still thirsty ? Well, it's not really a programming language per say, but maybe you will nonetheless appreciate this article on The DISTINCT pass-through Hibernate Query Hint - and who knows, maybe this a nice tweak to your latest SQL based app !


A decade of OptaPlanner


The IT industry is sadly known for its passion for the latest, trendy technologies, and we sometimes appears to be jumping from one to an other, without any reflexion on the why or how we got there. That is mostly why I feel this brief article covering the last decade of work on OptaPlanner (A decade of OptaPlanner) is pretty interesting. No new shiny things, but maybe the chance, to stop and pounder (or wonders) - and , of course, maybe discover OptaPlanner.


jBPM & Drools


Drools and jBPM have not been the last projects to see some action in the past two weeks. First, Eric D.Schabell releases a new chapter of his series Effective Business Process Management with JBoss BPM.

Following this, an interesting article on using Page and Form builder for Bootstrap responsive grid views was released along with an intriguing entry on KIE Server (jBPM extension) brings document support.


Evangelist's Corner


In the past two weeks, Red Hat evangelst Eric D. Schabell did released (yet again) a lot of interesting content. Certainly standing out is this cool video on Cloud Deployment Planner (video) - which is part of Red Hat Cloud Tools series. Note that a video of this series was also released the week before, on the QuickStart Cloud Installer (video). And, of course, as already mentioned above, Eric released a new entry in his series on Effective Business Process Management with JBoss BPM - Chapter 3 released into MEAP.


Releases, releases, releases


Summer is always a good period to finally get back to this project or releases you have been meaning to do finish for month. And certainly this has been confirmed by the numerous important releases of the last two weeks:

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