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Yet again an other week has passed in the JBoss Community, and as always, a lot content was released that will most likely interest you. Especially this week a lot of JBoss/Java related content were published on the Red Hat Developers Blog, so if you don't check this blog, you will be happy to see them mentioned here below...


Higher Level Point of View

While we love our gritty, low-level, technical tidbits (and we have a techbytes section for that below), it is always nice to take a step back, and look at the big picture, now and then. In this context, I think you will find the article on Hexagonal Architecture as a Natural fit for Apache Camel, quite interesting. I also like the The State of Microservices Survey 2017 that was released last week too.


Evangelist's Corner


As always, JBoss's evangelist are keeping our community update, releasing, every week, a lot of passionating content. Last week, Eric D.Schabell has thus provided us a nice How to install new OpenShift Container Platform 3.7 in minutes , along with an article on Zero to Cloud Ops on Container Development Kit (CDK) in Minutes. So, if you literally have only 5 minutes this week, those are articles are for you



So after high level considerations and some tutorial, let's go deep into technical details with this short but pretty neat article on Calling JDK Tools Programmatically on Java 9. Then, if you want more, let's take a look at Securing AMQ7 Routers with SSL. That should do it, don't it ? No ? Want more ?


No problem, let's look at Keycloak Identity Brokering with OpenShift ! And, by the way, if you like OpenShift, you should be very interested by last announcement about Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes (RHOAR)!


Events and community

If you want a good excuse to good to Paris (or France), you will be happy to hear that Devoxx France 2018 just open its Call for Paper! So please, go submit your talks proposal before mid January!


If you are doing anything with Hibernate related project, also don't forget to check their Hibernate Community Newsletter 23/2017 that was just released.

Releases, releases, releases...


... and as always, our thriving community has seen its fair share of software releases in the last week - including maintenance release of two very important project (Teiid and Keycloak):


Hopefully, you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment. Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.

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