• Error installing fuse designer with eclipse 3.4

    While trying to install Fuse Designer, I encountered the ffg errors:   An error occurred while collecting items to be installed   No repository found containing: org.apache.wsil4j/osgi.bundle/1.0.0.v200901...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Sample fuse project with maven in eclipse.

    How can I get a groundup sample on how to use eclipse and maven to create an osgi bundle.   I 'd like to create a project that receive messages from an Messaging server, route the content, transform d data and s...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Early Acces FID1.3

    Where can I find the FID 1.3 early access download?
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    last modified by jcornell
  • Missing dependency while installing Fuse designer in eclipse

    While trying to install the Fuse Integration designer on eclipse, I got the following errors:   Missing requirement: Run Plug-in 1.2.1 (com.fusesource.tools.eip.run 1.2.1) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.gmf.runtim...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Clarity on CXF endpoint (Consumer or Provider)

    I assume CXF endpoint available in the FID is a consumer endpoint?   If that is correct, what is the essense of the service class such that it is mandatory? Is the service class the interface class or the imple...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Getting messages from external MSMQ queues from FID

    There is no provision on FID to connect 2 multiple Messaging Queues e.g. if u wanna listen to multiple queues on different systems for messages?   Also, I'd like if there will be a special requirement to listen ...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • FID - Attempting to set up HL7 listener

    I am new to FUSE, and I am trying to set up an HL7 endpoint that listens via TCP and routes the message to a local file.  I am trying to do this using FID.  I started by creating a new EIP project.  I c...
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    last modified by rinerc
  • FUSE Services Framework Preferences - "missing cxf jar"

    I installed FID from the zip files. I set up the FUSE services framework home directory. When change to any of the tabs (Java2WS, etc...) I get an error telling me it can't find the CXF jar file.   I running on ...
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    last modified by dlugoszr@upmc.edu
  • Problem when installing FID from eclipse site

    Hello Hurley,   I tried to install Fuse Integration Designer plugin on eclipse from the site http://repo.fusesource.com/eclipse/updates but there is a problem with the check trust phase. It is weird because la...
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    last modified by guest
  • How to return multiple values from cxf webservice?

    Hello,   I have scneario where input function is exposed as webservice.This webservice is designed using eip .The function which is exposed is Listsql(queries database on the above 2 parameter)   Please le...
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    last modified by khaliqgaffar
  • FID and Fuse - Compatible?

    Are the assemblies generated by FID 1.2.1 deployable on FuseESB  Reason I ask is I have an EIP diagram that is a very basic  file -> bean -> file. However, when I deploy it into my server I ...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Fuse Mediation Router Configuration

    Each time I regenerate the Fuse Mediation Router camel xml file I have to reconfigure it to connect to my own message broker.  Is there a setting or property where you can configure this information so that each ...
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    last modified by jcornell
  • CXF Webservice EIP Diagram Help

    I have implemented the Calculator CXF Web service that Oisin showed us in his Intro FID webinar.  I am now struggling with adding the cxf web service to my EIP Diagram.  Could someone please provide some sup...
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    last modified by jcornell
  • ?. Calculator Web Service using (EIP diagram with CXF endpoint)EIP project

    Simple question. How can we develop simple Calculator Web Service using EIP project ( EIP diagram with CXF endpoint)?   Need at least functionality such as ADD, SUB, multiply etc...? Simple requirement, but do...
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    last modified by indikap
  • What are the external JARs that should be added to the build path?

    I?m new to FUSE and trying to develop some use cases using FID 1.2.1 / EIP projects. Can someone tell me, what are the external JARs that I should add to the build path for each camel processor, endpoints?   I...
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    last modified by indikap
  • camel libraries in projects -  shouldn't deploy to server?

    I've created a custom-bean to do some processing in my diagram/flow, and since that bean uses org.apache.camel.* methods/objects (such as Exchange), I have to add camel-core.jar to my project's classpath, which means ...
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    last modified by bobyetman
  • Datasource not found in registry

      Hi,     I'm trying to create a generic endpoint which has the uri - sql:insert into test values(#)?dataSourceRef=myDataSource   Below is the contents of my spring bean definition   ...
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    last modified by sivaram
  • Any EIP project samples how to send/receive message from/to IBMMQ?

    Hi All,   I have simple requirement of receive message from IBMMQ and do some process and then send to another queue in IBMMQ.   Appreciate your help in advance.   Thank you, Indika Peiris
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    last modified by indikap
  • Invoking BPEL and Web Services (FID)

    Hi,   this is a newbie in all ESB-related...   I got a BPEL process invoking local Webservices and I'd like to deploy this situation using the FUSE Integration Designer.   What would be the correct E...
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    created by veraniego
  • How do we set the BEAN method when the webservice having multiple methods?

    I have EIP route with the CFX endpoint where it exposes WS with two methods. Question: How can I set the Bean method to the method which is invoked by the SOAP client?   I’m trying to use CBR to find th...
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    last modified by indikap