Thread How does JBoss Cache perform with high number (15-20) of rep
How does JBoss Cache perform with high number (15-20) of repHi, Has anyone so far used JBoss Cache with high number of jvm instances like 15-20 ? We are planning to use jboss cache with replication (asynch or synch) for 15 - 20 jvm instances. There is a scenario where new d...
Is an PojoCache object thread-safe?Hello, The documentation doesn't explicitly say whether an instance of PojoCache can be shared across multiple threads. Could any one confirm on this? Thanks a lot! Xuetao
Thread Application performance issue with jboss cache
Application performance issue with jboss cacheWe have used jboss pojo cache (1.4.1.SP12) in our application. We are observing that our application runs OOM (out of memory) because of large number of jboss objects hanging around in the memory. We have confirmed th...
Thread Access JBoss Cache through EJB3 with clustering enabled
Access JBoss Cache through EJB3 with clustering enabledI am very much new to JBoss caching. My requirement is be to expose the JBoss cache outside to another application server. I am planning to write stateless session EJB3 bean to access the JBoss cache and then expose ...
First Time User: ProblemsI am trying to follow the instructions at Attempting to follow section 5.4.3: 1. I have ...
Thread Fine grained control over the eviction policy
Fine grained control over the eviction policyHi, i am having a JBOSSPojoCache (3.0.0) running on an Oracle WebLogic Server 10.0MP1. The cache is local and there is no replication needed (at the moment). Everything works fine but i have different kinds of data in...
Use of PriorityQueue<T> node in POJO cacheWhile I'm somewhat familiar with the JBoss Cache Core edition, I am new to the POJO edition. My question is straight forward. In the core edition a cache node is essentially represented by a map. In the POJO edition,...
Thread how to add a reference to two field of one object
how to add a reference to two field of one object
Address a = new Address();
cache_.attach("address/1", a);
Address b = new Address();
Thread Can't get PojoCache annotations to work on JBoss AS5
Can't get PojoCache annotations to work on JBoss AS5Hello, For the past two days I've spent (wasted) a lot of time to get the PojoCache working on JBoss AS 5. I've added the PojoCache libraries to my JBoss server\all\lib directory and added a pojocache-service.xml . ...
ClassCastException during attach()I am having an issue persisting data into my cache. The cache is being used for persisting data received off a queue. However, I consistently get a ClassCastException when calling PojoCache.attach():
2009-04-15 16:...
Error starting Pojo CacheHi all! I've implemented a solution based on PojoCache, with cache loader an Oracle db. My application has a package containing a class with method connecting to a database. When I start it, I obtain the following e...
NoSuchMethodError ClassProxyFactory.newInstanceHi I am having a problem with compile time weaving the pojo objects. I am compiling my pojo objects with a separat ant task and only the jboss-aop-jdk50.jar is in the classpath not the jboss-aop.jar. But when i try to...
Listener for applications using pojo cacheHello, I need to monitor the applications who are reading/writing specific pojo caches across my intranet. In other words, I would like to know when an application joined, the ip address of that application, and when...
Thread Reentrant not available in Pojo Cache 3.0.0.GA - Why?
Reentrant not available in Pojo Cache 3.0.0.GA - Why?Hi, The org.jboss.cache.pojo.annotation.Reentrant class does not exist in the jbosscache-pojo.jar file in the jbosscache-pojo-3.0.0.GA release. I think this class was added in version 2.0. Does anyone know why it i...
Unexpected Locking on readHi. Firstly I've been using JBossCache for a while now and it's a fantastic piece of technology. That said, I've recently upgraded to JBossAS 5.0.1 and hence to cache 3, and I'm getting some unexpected locking probl...
Thread PojoCache and Weblogic 10 : Failure while registering mbeans
PojoCache and Weblogic 10 : Failure while registering mbeansHi, ia m trying to integrate my JBoss PojoCache 3.0 GA in an WebLogic 10.0 Server using JDK 5. I have integrated the PoJoCache initialization in my WebLogic StartUpClass. I can initialize the PojoCache (.createCache(c...
Unexpected POJO Cache eventsHi, I'm very impressed with the POJO cache, it does exactly what I'm looking for. I'm interested in performing updates to the cache, and getting the events in a client. I've written an app to test this out, and I'm g...
Thread POJO replication in combination with Hiberante
POJO replication in combination with HiberanteI am having problems with POJO replication in combination with hibernate. JBoss5, jbosscache-core.jar 3.0.2 (on 3.0.1 it would simply just seem to hang) I have a POJO annotated with Replicable. I also have a orm.xml...
Thread Cannot deploy PojoCache 3.0.0.GA in JBoss 5.0.0.GA
Cannot deploy PojoCache 3.0.0.GA in JBoss 5.0.0.GAI am trying to deploy a PojoCache 3.0.0.GA in JBoss 5.0.0.GA, but keep getting the exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong arguments. createCache for target null expected=[java.lang.String, boolean] actua...