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Thread Standalone Narayana: spurious dependency?
Standalone Narayana: spurious dependency?Hello; I continue to play around with Narayana in a CDI 2.0 SE environment (i.e. no app server, no JNDI, etc.). I noticed that the narayana-jta artifact brings in a JCA dependency. Here's part of the out...
Avoiding JNDI lookups in Narayana JTAI'm looking to enable the usage of the Narayana transactional interceptors in CDI 2.0 SE with no JNDI involvement, and also the usage of the TransactionContext class in Narayana JTA's CDI integration without the usage...
Thread JTS subordinate transaction behaviour during JVM crash
JTS subordinate transaction behaviour during JVM crashHi, I would like to check with you behaviour of JTS implementation when transaction is started at client side, the WildFly receives call, running as a subordinate transaction manager and crashes during the pro...
Thread During first start set node identfier to generated UUID
During first start set node identfier to generated UUIDHi, when I started WF10/EAP 7 then I saw following warning in server.log: 11:39:12,686 WARN [org.jboss.as.txn] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 70) WFLYTX0013: Node identifier property is set to the defaul...
Thread Memory Leak in JBossLocalTransactionProvider
Memory Leak in JBossLocalTransactionProviderHi, We have analyzed a case where two Jboss server are implicated in a remote EJB transaction. The scenario is the following : Java standalone client -------(EJB CALL on server 1)------>...
Thread Using Narayana with Hibernate + Spring Boot
Using Narayana with Hibernate + Spring BootAs you know, Spring Boot allows programmers to use Narayana, as well as other JTA implementatios (namely Atomikos and Bitronix), out of the box, by simply importing a starter dependency in your POM file and letting Sp...
Failed to execute BlackTie quickstartsHi, I am using jboss-eap-7.1 and blacktie-5.7.2.Final. I have performed following steps :- 1. unzip wildfly-blacktie-build-${VERSION}-bin.zip into ${WILDFLY_LOCATION} 2. copy blacktie-admin-services-ear-*.ear to di...
Thread Use JMS integration classes for MessageListener
Use JMS integration classes for MessageListenerHi, I've started to use the integration classes for JMS (package org.jboss.narayana.jta.jms). That's very nice, as it allow to use very easily Narayana with a JMS MessageProducer or a JMS MessageConsumer. But ...
Journal log store for transaction logsIn the latest JBoss EAP 7.1 PERFORMANCE TUNING GUIDE under Transactions Subsystem Tuning it says: "For better XA transaction performance, it is recommended that you use a journal log store... Especially for ...
Two phase commit (2PC)A well-known algorithm to achieve ACID transaction outcomes is the two-phase commit protocol. 2PC (part of a family of consensus protocols) serves to coordinate the commit of a distributed transaction, i.e one that up...
Thread Slow performance spring.io flow from ActiveMQ to OracleAQ with XA
Slow performance spring.io flow from ActiveMQ to OracleAQ with XAI have a Spring integration flow which bridges from ActiveMQ to OracleAQ. See example project under GitHub - cknzl2014/springio-ora-xa. When I run it without XA, it is blazingly fast. With XA, it processes o...
Article MSA quickstarts with LRA/REST-AT on Minishift
MSA quickstarts with LRA/REST-AT on MinishiftThis document should summarize way to run Red Hat MSA hello world example (https://github.com/redhat-helloworld-msa/helloworld-msa) while utilizing the Narayana LRA/REST-AT transaction handling. The MSA hello world do...
Thread Tomcat integration issue with MySql Database
Tomcat integration issue with MySql DatabaseI am facing issue while integrating JBossTS with Tomcat 8. I am following MySQL database. Below is the stack strace : WARN: ARJUNA012125: TwoPhaseCoordinator.beforeCompletion - failed for SynchronizationImple...
Java 9 and javax.transactionHello I've seen this JTA API on Java 9 ? and I do not quite understand what the end user should actually do. I am migrating a microservice framework to java 9 and most of javax.transaction classes are no...
Thread How transactions and participants resources are populated ?
How transactions and participants resources are populated ?Hi, looking at runtime resources at /subsystem=transactions/log-store=log-store/transactions=*/participants=*, under which circunstances the transactions=* and participants=* are populated with runtime resources. I ...
Thread runtime attributes of transactions subsystem
runtime attributes of transactions subsystemHi, I am interested to better understand some runtime attributes of transactions subsystem. 1) Does the "number-of-heuristics" counts only as rollbacks ? I did some tests with a sample application and whene...
Thread Issue upgrading Narayana from 5.5.23.Final to 5.5.24.Final
Issue upgrading Narayana from 5.5.23.Final to 5.5.24.FinalHi, I'm trying to upgrade HIbernate OGM to the Narayana version used in WildFly 11 (5.5.30.Final). Hibernate OGM was using a quite old 5.4.0.Final and after the upgrade I started to see this failure: C...
Thread JNDI lookup issue in ubuntu packaged Tomcat7-8
JNDI lookup issue in ubuntu packaged Tomcat7-8Hi there, I recently developed a batch spring based webapp which makes use of 3 datasources spanning across distinct mysql instances, successfully tested on the official Apache Tomcat 7 (0.68, 0.72, 0.76) and ...