• RHQ: resource schedule downtime

    Hi there,   Down anyone know if we can made an scheduled downtime of resources (Platforms, Servers, Services, etc)?   I can't find any information about this. I think this is really useful, to not receive...
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    last modified by jgarat
  • Unable to monitor ActiveMQ using custom agent plug-in

    Hi,   I got the ActiveMQ plug-in from https://github.com/rafachies/rhq-plugins.git This contains just one descriptor rhq-plugin.xml file and it is extending the Generic JMX classes.   I just created the ...
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    last modified by nandhakumar
  • Lots of InvalidPluginConfigurationException - AS7 plugin, RHQ 4.13.1?

    Hi, since migrating to 4.13.1 and the new plugin for AS7, servers seem to pop up and down a lot, and being marked as Unavailable even though they are running fine.   The following error is logged in the Agent l...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • "false" alarms for availability of ExampleDS on JBoss EAP

    Hi,   we use RHQ 4.9.0 (JON 3.2.0) and configured alert definition for data sources to check their availability via traits. So configuration of that alert is quite simple:   Trait change [Connection Availa...
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    last modified by swiderski.maciej
  • Simplistic Memcached Cluster Mgmt

    Here are my fileTemplateBundles for simplistic memcached mgmt in a RHEL/Centos/SL environment (the standard yum memcached install,  I don't particularly like the standard rhel way,  and would rather compiled...
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    last modified by kucerarichard
  • agent fail to start: Plugin [Platforms] is required by plugins [[Apache, Augeas]] but it does not exist in the dependency graph yet

    Hello!   Most of my agents are failing to start.   I have a few known good agents,  one of which I just copied for safekeeping, maybe I can use it. It seems to fail to download plugins. ...
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    last modified by kucerarichard
  • Differences in resource hierarchy for AS7 servers in RHQ 4.13?

    Hi, Since upgrading to the later versions, 12, 13, I've noticed that some of our AS7 servers have a hierarchy looking like this:     While others still have the older type of sub-resource list:   ...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • Error deploying JAAS login modules RHQ 4.8

    Hi,   I need help I can't log to rhq server GUI. Probably someone changed LDAP settings.   In log file (server.log) I've found: 10:03:03,617 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.CustomJaasDeployme...
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    last modified by lzmuda
  • Plugin to simultaneously deploy files to a large number of platforms

    Hi,   I'm using RHQ to monitor a lot of platforms. Usually when we want to implement new version of some app, we have to change config files on a large number of servers (jboss, tomcat, etc.) on dozen platfrorms...
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    last modified by lzmuda
  • Upgrade from 4.13 to 4.13.1 failed

    Hi,   I'm trying to upgrade rhq server from 4.13.0 to the newest version 4.13.1. Both servers are in that same place on disc: /home/vo/. Old agent is installed under /home/vo/rhq-agent/rhq-agent/ directory. Aft...
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    last modified by lzmuda
  • Maven RHQ Plugin

    I've recently added the RHQ plugin to my POMs to validate the plugin xml. See below:   <build>   <plugins>   <plugin>   <groupId>org.rhq.maven.plugins</groupId> ...
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    last modified by garethahealy
  • JMX-Server : Managed Jboss AS7

    Hi every everyone o/   I've updated our RHQ server to 4.13 and it's awesome. So now i would like to monitor some applications' mbeans via the jmx-server. I know there's a plugin for the Jboss but it doesnt sho...
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    last modified by antarion
  • How are Group Metrics calculated for sparklines/bar graphs?

    Hi, just something I've been wondering for a long time:   For grouped resources, there are sparklines next to the Resource Measurements, and when you click "see more..." there are bar graphs in the charts. ...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • RHQ oracle plugin can not detect oracle 12c

    These are my RHQ environment.   OS : CentOS 7.0 DB : oracle 12c RHQ : 4.13 JDK : 1.7.0_55   But RHQ oracle plugin doesn't detect oracle 12c. But RHQ installation with oracle 12c has no problem and RHQ d...
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    created by aupres
  • 4.13: Graphs for small intervals look very strange.

    Hi, Looking at the line charts for several resources, in this instance requests/min, and data over eth0, the graphs look very strange when looking at time intervals less than 24 hrs.   Examples:    ...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • 4.13: After RHQ agent operation restart, auth-token is lost

    Hello, I have noticed with 4.13, that when I do an operational restart of RHQ Agents through the RHQ UI, the property rhq.agent.security-token is lost from prefs.xml and the agent cannot authenticate to the server. &...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • Propagate alert definition templates between RHQ installations

    Hi,   would like to ask if there is a way to sort of export import alert definitions from one RHQ server to another. Imagine situation where there is one server that is considered test that usually acts as playg...
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    last modified by swiderski.maciej
  • Change java.io.tmpdir for storage process

    Hi,   Does anyone know, how can I change temporary directory used by java, from default /tmp to other directory for storage process? I tried to change it in few config files but without any success, storage is s...
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    last modified by lzmuda
  • Exposing custom mbean to JON

    I am trying to expose a custom MBean from JBoss Fuse (mbeans-expose-context.xml) to JON. When using JConsole, i can see the MBean, so thats all working fine.   I've then created a simple plugin (rhq-plugin.xml) ...
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    last modified by garethahealy
  • disappearing sparklines

    Hello,   As I learn more about rhq and start using it as a goto tool (particularly inventory and drift mgmt and log/event tracking) there's one thing that is driving me crazy.   When I scroll a metrics pag...
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    last modified by kucerarichard