• Attribute ajaxRendered in r:focus

    Hi,   test ITFocusAjaxRendered.when_there_are_inputs_with_tabindex_then_the_lowest_tabindex_will_obtain_focus() [1] fails and I'm trying to understand whether it's a bug in test or in component. In this test, r:...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • Switching RichFaces QA to JBoss EAP

    Currently RichFaces tests against JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final.  With JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Alpha1 being available, AS 7.1.1.Final is looking a little long in the tooth.   What are others thoughts on moving QA of RichFac...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Proposed RichFaces git workflow

    Hello all,   As a follow up to the recent deletion of the develop branch, I am updating the RichFaces Git Workdlow wiki page.  I started with updating the graphic, please have a look at it and share any fee...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Github repositories now being developed in master branch (rather than develop)

    Hello all,   With the new build in RF 5, we are doing away with the git flow prescribed "develop" branch, and sticking with the more conventional "master" branch.  I piloted this with the archetype reposito...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Building RichFcaes 5 and PhantomJS

    Building RichFaces 5 failed, because maven could not find the artifact: org.jboss.arquillian.extension:arquillian-phantom-driver:jar:1.0.3   To resolve this I had to clone the git repos (after finally finding th...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • Make the distribution layout more clear

    I would like to make the layout of ZIP distribution as clear as possible.   Currently, JAR artifacts are distributed in ZIP distribution as follows:   /artifacts    /archetypes    /frame...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Running IE in a windows VM just got a whole lot easier!

    Hey guys,   I just worked through the process for running Microsoft's free Internet Explorer virtual machines (on linux), and it got a whole lot easier than the last time I did it!   The steps I followed a...
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    created by bleathem
  • CSS Framework options for RichFaces 5

    Until now we've focused heavily on the Bootsrap project as the vehicle for the new RichFaces skin in RichFaces 5.  However as Paul dijou pointed out at a recent IRC Tream meeting, there are a number of other viab...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • VDL Doc generated using OmniFaces VDLDoc

    I have tried to use OmniFaces' VDLDoc [1] for generating RF5 VDL documentation in a feature branch:   https://github.com/richfaces/richfaces5/commit/06424ee7725f999217d5e816461183a48a64d989   The result se...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Merging archetypes back to develop

    I have found that some of the archetypes release branches started to diverge:   develop: https://github.com/richfaces/archetypes/commits/develop 4.2.2.Final-2: https://github.com/richfaces/archetypes/commits/re...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Possible usage of JUnit categories in test suite

    Hi,   we started investing into new test suite in RichFaces 4.3 called "fundamental tests" and Lukas created all necessary configuration in POM files so we can run it in CI, too. However, we are facing at least ...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

    Hey guys,   in RichFaces 4.3, we have introduced integration-tests profile which allows to run fundamental tests with different containers and browsers. Thanks to placing this profile in richfacces-root-parent,...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Ajax-related attributes in rich:tab

    Hi,   a user noticed that oncomplete attribute of rich:tab doesn't work. I verified it in 4.3.1 and reported regression RF-12839 [2]. Then I found out that not only oncomplete doesn't work but all ajax-related a...
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    last modified by ppitonak
  • Migrating patches from 4.3 to 5.0

    I have did proof of concept of migrating patches from 4.3 branch to 5.0, since it appeared to be untrivial, because of: merged repository subtrees running dos2unix over all files renamed source files   At the...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Google Summer of Code (GSOC) announced for 2013

    The Google Summer of Code (GSOC) for 2013 has been announced: http://google-opensource.blogspot.in/2013/02/flip-bits-not-burgers-google-summer-of.html   This profram was very successful for a number o JBoss por...
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    last modified by bleathem
  • The 4.3.1.Final release was staged

    The 4.3.1.Final release was staged:   https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/jboss_releases_staging_profile-042/   The release was not just re-tag as originally planned,   we had ...
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    created by lfryc
  • Fundamental Tests - Cross-Container Support

    I have prepared a branch with support for fundamental tests including support for Tomcat 6 and 7 https://github.com/richfaces/components/tree/RF-12810-tomcat   together with description how to run them: https:...
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    created by lfryc
  • Start release process for 4.3.1.CR1

    The release process for 4.3.1.CR1 is about to begin. Further commits into develop branch will not be considered in release. - See more at: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFaces4xReleaseProcedure#sthash.E2dSlafz.dpuf
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Starting with RichFaces Push on Various Servlet Containers

    I have identified problems with starting with RichFaces Push recently on various containers, so I have started this article to help summarize configuration necessary.   Refer to Links when more information need...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Regression: limiting usage to a4j:ajax

    In 4.3, we did changes to several components which weren't updated appropriately using AJAX: basically their JavaScript was called too early. RF-12031 RF-12229 RF-12513 RF-12542   The solution was using deferred...
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    last modified by lfryc