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Thread Findbugs Enabled for Core and Components
Findbugs Enabled for Core and ComponentsHey all, I've enabled findbugs checks in the Jenkins jobs that build core and components. These jobs will now fail if there are any findbugs errors. What this means to you is that you will need to ...
SwitchYard DebuggerHey all, I created a JIRA detailing ideas for debug support in the SwitchYard tools. It's pretty basic at this point, but hopefully encompasses enough to be useful for a first iteration. Let me kno...
SwitchYard on WildFlySupport has been added to release build for WildFly. The distribution tests all pass except for a few. Usage ATM, the deployment zip can be built from the release github master branch. Since the WildFly module is a de...
Enhancement: CDI in SwitchYard Unit TestsHi When using the CDIMixIn in a SwitchYard unit test I expected to be able to use CDI within the unit test too, e.g. to inject a test error listener and run assertions on the exceptions it caught. But this is ...
Thread Why is there a bpel-pom.xml in quickstarts?
Why is there a bpel-pom.xml in quickstarts?I think this came in through the JDF work. I don't see much point in having this POM around if the point is to have the individual quickstarts work standalone. Any objections to removing bpel-pom.xml? ...
Thread StackOverflowError in camel-sql-binding quickstart
StackOverflowError in camel-sql-binding quickstartIt just disappeared from my workspace, so post a reminder for next time. I and David saw this infinite loop in camel-sql-binding quickstart today, but is not 100% reproducible. java.lang.StackOverflowError ...
stop-gateway and hornetq questionI have a question regarding stop-gateway command in jboss-cli for subsystem switchyard. I have 2 nodes of jboss-eap-6.1 with switchyard (sy1, sy2). On each server I configured two hornetQ servers (active and p...
Thread Proposal for Better SwitchYard Editor Validation
Proposal for Better SwitchYard Editor ValidationWhile working more on SWITCHYARD-1873 we decided that we needed to provide a better method of in-editor validation on wizards and on property pages to help users in accomplishing their goals with less frustration alon...
SwitchYard Camel ComponentsHi all, Firstly I am a complete switchyard newbie so apologies if this question does not make a huge amount of sense. I am wondering how are the 80+ camel components supported in switchyard. More particularil...
SwitchYard performance pitfallsI've perfomed some load-tests for SY-based infrastructure and results appear to be very bad I tried to monitor running AS with SY via JVisualVM, and found potential bottlenecks, but have no idea WHY do some o...
Findbugs issuesThe good news is that a lot of things were fixable. I'd say the most common thing that findbugs found were the following : SBSC_USE_STRINGBUFFER_CONCATENATION
Simplifying quickstartsHi eveyone While testing the quickstarts for the last release it struck me that there were an awful lot of steps involved in executing some of the quickstarts. It would be nice if we could change the quickstar...
verification checklist for 1.1.0Here's the stuff we need to verify for the 1.1.0 release: OS RHEL/Fedora OS X Windows EAP 6.0 Alpha 6.0 GA 6.1 Installation Bundle zip Installer Runtime only BPEL console Forge Tests Deploy and r...
Switchyard and JBPMHi, How can we see what bpm instances where generated from a specific process built using jbpm in switchyard? For instance when I call the quickstart processOrders, where can I see the process that where generated? ...
Bpm-WorkItemHandlers ProblemHi fellas, While i was trying to reference another service from within bpmn,the error asked me to register a WorkItemHandler for referencing the service, I implemented the WorkItemHandler interface and...
switchyard-problem on project cleanHi community, Whenever i built a switchyard project ,and after succesful creation of a rest bind project,If i do the project clean ,then all the services in switchyard.xml gets distorted, Most of the the time...
Thread Building a switchyard application with JSF and WebServices
Building a switchyard application with JSF and WebServicesHi, I'm trying to build a switchyard project with jsf and webservices capabilities. If I build a simple WebService and deploy the application as jar file, everything works fine, when I change the deploy from jar to...
jca and beangood morning I have a question, what happens is that I want to make a connection between a bean and jca, but not to set hornetQ nor how to send the data from the bean, if anyone knows of any tutorials or any page wher...
Thread problem sending two parameters in interface soap
problem sending two parameters in interface soaphi guys, i have problem with switchyard 0.8, in this moment i have implement a webservice but this have two parameters, one is one list and othes is a class model with others parameters, en the moment what building pr...