This week in JBoss (31 May 2012) Heads going down for JBoss World 2012
Posted by eschabell May 31, 2012Welcome to another week in the world of JBoss.org! As we are approaching this years JUDCon / JBoss World 2012 in Boston, you will notice that the various projects are going 'heads down' to get their projects done in time for all the great demos, sessions, presentations and product release announcements that will be revealed in Boston. That being said, there is enough still going on to bring you this weeks editorial.
Mircea will be talking at Berlinbuzzwords next week covering Infinispan, Sanne will be there too so catch it if you can!
JUDCon / JBoss World 2012 is coming to Boston next month, get ready, here we come!
Blogs / Articles
Big news this week was the release of Fedora 17... now why are we talking about a Linux distribution here on the JBoss weekly editorial you ask? Well, because they have added support for pre-packaged JBoss AS 7! Now you can yum install jboss and be off and running, so get out there and check out Fedora 17!
Anil brings us a story about Social Intelligence posted on his Security & Identity blog, good read. He also gives a few examples of When Access Control Systems Fail.
Mark Proctor did a call for hosting of the West Coast US IntelliFest.
Mark (the other one) Little pushed out an announcement and the links to his transactional android project, check it out!
Gabriel over at the GateIn blog posted a very comprehensive look at User Experience, providing his well founded views on what it really is.
Tiho tells us about adding Japanese support (Internationalization) to the jBPM Web Designer, great work there with screen shots.
John talks about RHQ using Cassandra over on this interesting article in the Big Data category. Also in the RHQ team, Heiko tells about adding support for Group Definitions to their REST API.
Eric put up a short how to article getting you started with JBoss Dev Studio 5 and the SOA tooling, specifically focusing on JBoss BRMS tooling.
Adam discusses the new Envers features in Hibernates 4.1.4 release.
Just a tweet on this, but the migration tooling project JBoss Cake now supports jBPM Migration by integrating in the jbpmmigration project!
A list of new project releases, enjoy!
- Arquillian Warp Extension 1.0.0.Alpha1 released!
- Hibernate ORM 4.1.4 released!
- Byteman 2.0.3 released!
- ElasticMQ 0.5 released!
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Setting up or running a JBoss User Group? Follow @JBossNews on twitter and catch the next event online especially for you and your group.
Enjoy your weekend of coding... see you next time!