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We missed a week but I tried to capture a full two weeks worth of interesting news and announcements (double the pleasure, double the fun).  JBoss folks have both amazing energy and a great variety of interests and in this blog I hope to capture some of the highlights and point you at some very interesting new content.



The Narayana project visualized by Gource

3 years of WildFly Gource Animation

  • Eclipse SWTBot gets a logo - The face of SWTBot
  • Andrew Rubinger comes clean on his recent transition to becoming a "marketer" ;-)

Joining the Dark Side | Developer Advocate and Program Manager


New Releases:

* Arquillian TestRunner Spock 1.0.0.Beta2 Released

* Integration Stack for JBoss Tools and Developer Studio

* JBoss Tools 4.1.1 Alpha2

* Hibernate Search: 4.4.0.Final released, with 4.5.0.Alpha1 released too

* Arquillian Droidium 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released

* Forge 1.4.2.Final Released

* AeroGear UnifiedPush Server 0.8.1 released

* Portlet Bridge 3.3.0.Beta2 released

* Teiid Designer 8.3 Beta2 available

* Teiid 8.6 Alpha2 Posted

* Arquillian Graphene 2.0 - Functional Testing with Elegance

* JBossWS 4.2.2.Final - Controlling Apache CXF Bus creation for JAXWS clients

* Hibernate ORM 4.2.7.Final Released

* Wait, Hibernate ORM 4.2.7.SP1 Released (yes, back to back releases)

* ModeShape 3.6.0.Final is available


Upcoming Events:

* OpenShift Primer - a JBoss workshop coming soon to JAX London 2013

* DecisionCamp 2013 : Nov 4-6 : San Jose

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