This week in JBoss (8 August): JBoss Governance, Introducing Overlord 1.0.0.Final
Posted by heiko.braun Aug 12, 2013JBoss Governance
Project Overlord 1.0.0.Final
The Overlord team is proud to announce the release of version 1.0.0.Final
Any computer system, whether it is centralized or distributed, needs some form of governance, i.e., the act of monitoring and managing the system. Such governance may be as simple as ensuring only authorized users have access to capabilities (e.g. services), or as complex as guaranteeing the system and its components maintain a level of availability or reliability in the presence of failures or increased system load. Managing distributed systems has always been a critical aspect for users, developers and administrators. As those distributed systems grew in scope and scalability, spanning multiple organizations with different infrastructures and trust boundaries, governance became more difficult but even more important. Governance deals with the processes by which a system operates. In order to have successful governance, some form of management, monitoring and administration is required for these processes
Cloud Computing
Red Hat has joined the Google Cloud Platform
We've been pretty busy lately so this is slightly delayed. However, I do want to announce that Red Hat has joined the Google Cloud Platform Partner Program as a Technology Partner. Through this program, Red Hat and Google will collaborate on an open source community project known as JBoss CapeDwarf that increases the portability of Java-based Google App Engine applications and expands the deployment choices beyond Google’s cloud.
Portal & CMS
JBoss Portal Integration with FirstSpirit CMS
e-Spirit, developer of the Java-based FirstSpirit content management system and a Red Hat partner, is in the process of rolling out an integration of FirstSpirit with JBoss Portal Platform 6. This integration offers functionality similar to existing e-Spirit offerings for SAP NetWeaver Portal, IBM WebSphere Portal, SharePoint and Liferay.
Red Hat JBoss BRMS - a new Cool Store Demo version 1.2 released
We are back with a newer version 1.2 that has some improvements made by Rafael Benevides, such as running on JBoss EAP 6.1 and leveraging the central JBoss Maven repository.
Hands On Guides
Block Drop -- A fun demo and tool for learning the fundamentals of Errai
Three months ago I became the Red Hat intern for Errai. Shortly afterwards I embarked on a modest task: to make a demo showing the world how awesome Errai is. I am now happy to present Block Drop, a simple multi-player, Tetris-like web game for the desktop or touch screen browsers.
Bean Validation 1.1 Feature Spotlight - Method validation
With the release of Hibernate Validator 5.1.0.Alpha1 just out, it is time to pick up on the Bean Validation 1.1 spotlight series and cast a light onto method validation. Long time Hibernate Validator users know that method validation is part of Validator since version 4.2, however only as a provider specific featue. Bean Validation 1.1 makes method validation now part of the specification.
New Releases
Hibernate Metamodel Generator 1.3.0.Final
Guillaume pointed out recently on the hibernate-dev mailing list that is has been a very long time since the last release of Hibernate JPA Metamodel Generator release and that it is time to do another one. And we listened. We just released 1.3.0.Final. As usual, you can get the artefacts from the JBoss Maven repo or from SourceForge.
Hibernate Validator 5.1.0.Alpha1 Released
It's my pleasure to announce the first alpha release of Hibernate Validator 5.1. This release brings you several new features based on top of the Bean Validation 1.1 APIs, substantial performance improvements as well as some bug fixes.
ModeShape 3.4.0.Final is available
We’re happy to announce that ModeShape 3.4.0.Final is now available. This release contains lots of bug fixes and several new features
Hibernate ORM 4.2.4.Final Released
Hibernate ORM 4.2.4.Final was just released, containing multiple bug fixes.
TorqueBox 3.0.0.beta2 Released
e received some great community feedback on the first TorqueBox 3 beta release and decided to spin a second beta to make sure all the kinks are worked out. If everything goes well we hope to jump from 3.0.0.beta2 straight to 3.0.0 before the end of August.
Infinispan: Infinispan 6.0.0.Alpha2 is out!
We're proud to announce the second Alpha release of Infinispan 6.0.0, and also the second release using the Apache Software Licence.
Arquillian Core 1.1.1.Final Released
The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.1.1.Final release of the Arquillian Core component!